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"Henry, please look at me."

"Don't talk to me y/n." He responded in a cracked voice.

He was sitting at the bedside, his shirt was still off, showing his gruesome burns. They were still bleeding despite the nurse tending to him, but he was refused bandages—Dr. Brenner wanted him to scar. Almost his entire back was red or purple, his past bruises had gained new color, and he could hardly bend without crying from pain. That was proven as he was taken into the room you had both shared, the same place you both grew to trust each other. The same trust that was torn down as soon as you brought the rod down on his back.

Once he had sat comfortably without wincing, he hadn't spoken a word to you. He just sat on the end of the bed staring at the ground—or wall. You couldn't bear to look at him too much, it was like every scar that you saw on him burned on you. A heavy weight in your stomach held you down to not get closer. You desperately wanted to help him or provide some kind of comfort but he didn't even look at you the entire time he was being brought to the room. He had to be carried on someone's back to avoid touching his raw and burned skin, although he hardly had the strength to hold onto them. And this entire process you had watched.

And yet you continued to watch him—however much it hurt to see him like this didn't matter anymore. You began to go towards him, crawling on the bed to be beside him. Henry seemed to notice because he was becoming visibly upset,

"Stop, don't—"

You put your hand on his shoulder to comfort him, but when he choked out a sob you flinched away in remembrance.

"I'm so sorry Henry—"

"Just leave me alone! I don't always need your fucking help or comfort!" He spat, his voice straining.

You watched hopelessly as he tried to relax after moving so much, guilt was drowning you by the gallons. However your care for him was greater, so you decided to not listen to him, and you stepped off the bed, and marched around to face him.

"Y/N, LEAVE ME ALONE!" He shouted, and when you caught sight of his face you regretted going against him.

His face was raw from crying—that was visibly seen—but the look in his eyes was what crushed you. He glared at you as more tears fell down his face, his breathing almost becoming a challenge as he seethed. His eyes read of sadness and raw betrayal, his lips were parted and wet from his tears. Obviously he didn't want to be seen like this, being even more vulnerable then he was already. That only made you empathize with him further, and you walked over and stood in front of him.

"Henry, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I was scared that Brenner would hurt us both, I wanted to—"

Henry laughed—a dry and forced laugh that seemed to take all of his remaining strength, and then his eyes gave you a sharp glare,

"What, to protect me? Just stop your excuses, you were scared of Dr. Brenner, and didn't hesitate to fucking torture me! You've already scarred me, I'm done with this lab, you, and EVERYONE IN THIS HELLHOLE!!" He exploded, his voice became shrill and he rasped for breath.

You went down on you knees and crept closer to his lap,

"Please forgive me Henry." You said, lowering your head and waiting for his judgment.

Silence hung in the air, only Henry's ragged breathing breaking it.

"Y/n," He began, his voice was firm but dry, "I will not forgive you," Your heart sank. "I don't care what you say or do, because you showed your true intentions once Dr. Brenner made you sweat. Now leave me alone, you've already done enough." He finished, pushing your head away from him.

You sat there still, until you stood up and grabbed the waistband of Henry's pants, pulling him up to stand. He winced as he caught his breath, you could see the humiliation on his face when he tried to pull away, only managing weak shoves. Then he tried to hit you off, bringing down a closed fist on the hand that kept him close to you—it hardly hurt but you felt his hate and anger with each hit. Your other hand stopped his, and his face wrinkled with frustration and embarrassment.

"Henry what can I do for you to forgive me?"

His face melted into a pained expression, his eyebrows knitted and his eyes glossed over with tears. His lips trembled as he opened them,

"Y/n...please let me go, your hurting me...your hand on my back..." Your eyes widened as you realized the hand that was grabbing him was now massaging his side, the same place he had loved to be touched on. You took it off and he gasped, his fingers dug into your hand as he started sobbing,

"I can't do this, I can't do this Martin..." Your eyebrows knot with confusion as he looks up almost blindly, "I don't...I don't..." Henry looked drunk as his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out.

You caught Henry and tried to lay him back on the bed, when he started trembling—soon turning into violent shaking. Not knowing what to do you sat down and laid him on your lap, you carefully put your arms around him—avoiding his back. When that calmed him down, you exhaled in relief. You resisted the natural urge to massage him, his back was normally so tight with knots—and he loved it as well. It felt despicable with just how amazing things were, and then it all went to shit. And it was all because of Dr. Brenner.
It was all his fault.

And it was finally time to betray that old bastard.

Is it bad with how much I'm enjoying writing this??????

Next chapter will be longer>

words: 1013

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