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Do you guys think the relationship between Bendy and the reader has been progressing too fast? Be brutally honest. I would also like details, and when exactly did you guys feel that it has been progressing too fast? (Example: when Bendy wanted to immortalize her? When he started joking with her? Last chapter when the reader admitted to themself that they like the feeling they get from him?)

I would also like any other critiques you guys may have. Like, if the reader had an unnatural interaction with something/someone or had an unnatural reaction to something that happened. I am a little out of the zone I was in when I was first writing this story since it has been so long since I have touched it. Please let me know your thoughts, any of them. I want to fix it all and/or get some feedback before I upload another chapter.

Please and thank you. 😭

Dripping Ebony & Grinning Ivory {Bendy x Detective!Reader} [ S o u l m a t e s ]Where stories live. Discover now