Chapter Five

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#BodyAnalysis #SuicideReference #HomacideReference #DomesticAbuseReference #EmotionalAbuseReference
#Guns #Violence #Shooting

These next tags don't really completely explain some of the other elements, but I did my best:

#BrainParasite #BrainParasitism #ParasiticTorture

#MutualisticSymbiotism #MutualisticRelationship #SymbioticRelationship (No, this has nothing to do with symbiote's from the Marvel universe.)


"So you're finally here."

"I didn't take that long, so stop making a big deal about it."

Four people, or five if you count Bendy's unseen presence, stand in the room around an autopsy table with the body of Susan Heartfield lying cold and dead, a cover draped over her body as it had already been examined by the Boston NYPD body analysis specialist Diane. She is a woman of average height, semi-long black hair, glasses and the complexion of a light peach. She has worked here for many years and has definitely had her fair share of unsightly corpses to analyze.

After gathering around and giving brief and subtle greetings (like nods of acknowledgement or quiet 'hello's), the little session of discussion, theorizing, and analysis begins as you have your notebook facing your direction so only you can see the writing, and your pen at the ready in your dominant hand.

"So," Diane begins, motioning her hands to the spread-out corpse that has a white sheet draped over it, "I had a look at her body, and as _____ had mentioned, there was a few big pointers that there was actually a struggle- So, in other words, we definitely have a homicide on our hands. See those bruises there?" She points at the patches of black and blue that you had spotted on scene, which are now more visible and prominent, "not only were there bruises there, but there others signs that led me to believe there was physical conflict, like how the fingers were bloodied and cut up from scratching at the rope, bruises on her back, and seems like she could have been dragged by the hair, as I have found some damage to the scalp and a lot of excess hair strands."

You should probably speak up, and you do, "Ah, figures. I was talking to the victim's mother and she mentioned no one that really stood out that came into contact with the victim with the exception of this guy named Vincent Caballero. It seems she got roughed up by a guy, right?"

"Yes," she nods, "most likely. Oh, and the shoe prints were a lot bigger than hers, so it supports the idea as well as how guys tend to naturally be bigger and stronger than women, and it seems she did not get much of a chance to fight back despite the amount of marks and bruises."

"Alright, I thought so. Hey, Ivor?" You look to the man standing beside Ron, to which he returns the gaze.


"Could you do a background check for me on this guy? Vincent Caballero?"

He nods, "Sure thing."

You give him a small smile. "Thanks." Your eyes return to your notebook.

"And oh," she perks up, turning behind her and looking across the counter before grabbing a piece of paper and holding it up for the three (four) of you to see, "I also found the elusive will of Susan Heartfield." She smiles at you, "I heard you were looking for it but just couldn't quite find anything." You shake your head and regrettably smile.

"Yeah...where did you find it?"

"In her bra."

You cough while Ron barks out laughing, Ivor keeping quiet, "Well of course I wasn't going to look for it there! You expect me her clothing like that?" The sound of your voice is raised and you get defensive.

Dripping Ebony & Grinning Ivory {Bendy x Detective!Reader} [ S o u l m a t e s ]Where stories live. Discover now