26: Mild History

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Raya was standing along the balcony, enjoying the view of her kingdom. She slowly exhaled but then heard footsteps approaching her. When she turned around, she saw that it was Tyra. Tyra was taller than Raya by several inches and had long coffee brown hair with a mole next to her nose on the right side of her face. She was really beautiful but no one could miss how fierce she was despite her mesmerizing beauty. Raya didn't realize just how much she was staring at Tyra until Tyra chuckled and said, "Hello to you too, your highness."

"Oh um... my apologies... It's 'Tyra' right?" said Raya with a nervous laugh.

"Yes it is. It's an honor to meet you, Princess Raya." replied Tyra with a bow.

"Same for me...but please...the title and bowing aren't necessary. I'm not stuck in a 'royal head'."

Tyra laughed and said, "Okay Raya. Is everything fine?"

"I guess so, I'm doing better. And you?"

"I'm wonderful."

"That's really great. I really love your hair by the way, overall I think you're very beautiful." said Raya. She only realized what she said moments after those words escaped her mouth.

Tyra blushed a little and said, "Thank you Raya. So are you. So would you mind telling me a little about yourself? Your mom talked about you a lot over the years."

"I'd love to."

"Okay, I'm all ears."

Raya told Tyra some basic facts about herself and Tyra did the same afterwards but was shocked when she found out that Tyra was 31 years old. She lost both parents in a severe flood at the age of 13 and had no one to call 'family'. She was banished from Tail when she was 15 because of attacking a man who she stole from. She stabbed him multiple times and he was in critical condition before he eventually died. She was imprisoned while the man was still alive receiving aid but the people of Tail were not the most forgiving and most of them wanted her banished or killed. 

She managed to escape prison and decided to leave with whatever she could salvage, including a small boat. She didn't want to risk going to another land and decided that it would be best to see where the river carried her and that's how she found Madilia. She arrived only days after Adira was banished there. She and Adira quickly became friends and comforted each other when the other was in a state of sadness and tears. Tyra was also there for Adira throughout her entire pregnancy with Vashi and their bond only strengthened over the years. 

Despite being a relatively small island compared to Kumandra, Madilia was flourishing with fruit-bearing trees and other natural resources. The population grew overtime and Adira was a very skilled warrior and by the time Vashi was 5 years old, she begun training him along with anyone else who volunteered. For 10 years, they wanted revenge on Kumandra for their banishment and Adira was the strongest fighter and the decision was unanimous to make her the Commander and head of the island. Ex-Kumandrans came together with whatever they had to help and one man in particular had a book filled with spells. The thought of dark powers gave her hope for getting what she wanted and she became obsessed with it. 

The first time she decided to cast a spell was only 2 months after practicing and she was successful in turning a living plant to ashes. She was admired even more and eventually, that darkness became a part of her and that's how the island was named 'Madilia'. Darkness stuck to her like a leech and only reduced when the Madilian warriors infiltrated Kumandra and Raya was in danger. Love overcame the darkness that thrived in her heart and that also caused her powers to significantly weaken but not completely diminish. 

Raya was completely intrigued as Tyra explained the history of Madilia but they didn't notice just how much time was passing.


Namaari first saw them talking and chose to wait until they finished but after 10 minutes, she was impatient and decided to approach. 

"Excuse me..." she said softly.

Tyra turned to her and said, "Oh! I'm sorry...how may I help you?"

"I actually wanted to speak to Raya." replied Namaari.

"We're in the middle of an important conversation if you haven't realized. Please excuse us." replied Raya in a slighlty aggressive tone.

This only made Namaari upset and she said, "I've been waiting for so long just to speak to you! You don't have to be so rude about it!"

"Well that's how I felt when you yelled at me earlier! I don't know why I was expecting better from someone like you!" Said Raya.

If a knife punctured Namaari, it would be numb compared to the kind of pain Raya's words instantly made her feel. She stared at Raya in shock and then said, "That really wanted to escape your mouth huh..."

Tyra couldn't handle remaining quiet at the scene that unfolded before her and she said, "Enough from both of you!"

Both princesses remained quiet then Tyra said, "I think that you both have some problems you need to work through and I want you to do that without aggression. Raya, do you want to speak to Princess Namaari?"

Raya nodded yes without eye contact and then Tyra said, "And Namaari, do you want to speak with Raya?"


"Good. I recommend that you privately speak to each other about whatever issues that resulted in this kind of anger from you both. Is that okay?"

They both responded with a yes but Namaari said, "I... I need to fully calm down first. I'm...going for a walk. If it is okay with Raya, we can talk in my designated quarters."

"Okay..." replied Raya.

After Namaari walked away, Tyra said, "I don't like seeing when people have such quarrels. I couldn't let it prolong between you both. You've hurt each other and you need to sit and talk about that pain so that you can move on. Dwelling on painful words or actions and avoiding confrontation will only make you feel worse and jeopardize your relationship."

"You're right Tyra... I know but...I was just so hurt and mad." said Raya.

"I know dear. That's why you need to talk to each other. Go and await her, okay?"

Raya nodded yes and hugged Tyra which was unexpected but Tyra accepted the affection. "I'll be with your mom in the meantime."

"Okay Tyra."

Raya seemed to have an... 'admiration' for Tyra...👀
But she and Namaari need to work out some issues. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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