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There was a smell like no other that Felix could never grow tired of, and that was the smell of books. From a young age he'd grown a dream like personality, his head always seemed to stay in the clouds, never truly on one thing without a few side things tickling at his brain. The one thing that managed to catch his attention since he was young was a specific story, one of princesses and princes, magic and romance— and of course his favourite thing of all, the main villain.

Nothing had been that great about the villain at first, mainly because as a young kid he didn't understand most of the words and he associated the villain with what happened, naming him a terrible person. He'd never grown any care for any other villain either, no matter how attractive or how pitiful they ended up being portrayed or seen by others, Felix held no care in the slightest.

Of course he had read over these books for more the seven years, having breaks in between as he grew and coming back to them as a source of comfort, sometimes he enjoyed the thought that he grew up with the books, every few years the next one would come out filling him with excitement.

Honestly though, Felix could not remember the time he picked it up from the beginning again, and the villain was no longer the monster he had thought him to be. Growing so attached that his English name quickly became the same as the Villains, Felix. He much preferred it over Yongbok. Of course the possibility that Felix was kind of delusional and thought too deeply with the fictional books was an high extreme but he found himself wishing that the villain could get their happy ending for once.

When the final book of the series came out, Felixs heart had been ecstatic, just hitting his second year of high school so this had become even a greater escape, from studies, school, even people. Yet when he'd finally flipped the last few pages, he'd coming to a shockingly painful realisation that the villain ended up dying alone. Everyone else lived happily but the villain ended up without any justice, simply discarded within the bitter paragraphs.

Of course he never voiced out his opinions of the book to anyone— simply because he knew he was far too attached to the fictional characters but... that didn't stop how heartbroken he'd been when he read the last book. Any source of comfort that might've come after now gone, the author mysteriously disappearing off all social media meant he couldn't even go to any book signings to ask the big question why?

Why didn't the villain get their happy ending?

No matter how busy the city outside became, the library remained silent. Allowing time to pass with an otherworldly feeling. Felix held this time to a high regard, he loved how he could spend hours restocking shelves and checking out borrowed books, something that almost felt like therapy. Few came and most never bothered to talk to him either, allowing Felix to sneak in a quick nap or a sneaky read whenever he could.

Of course, he didn't get paid much but that wasn't a problem, his family had plenty of money to support him while he studied. Grabbing another book that had been stuck near the bottom of the trolly, he looked over the cover with interest. It was heavy, a few of the papers were tattered from age but the smell was heaven sent, sadly it was nonfiction, and Felix struggled to sit through the majority of those books.

J... of course, Felix felt his eyes look up at the high shelf.

"Felix are you even listening to me?" His mother sighed through the phone, as felix tried to remember what she could have possibly been saying. He'd forgotten he was still on the phone with her, her voice acting like white noise for him to zone out through his AirPod. "The forecast says—" Felix remembered what had started their phone call.

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