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Blood. Felixs nose wouldn't stop bleeding, and now he was pulling away from the books at a frightening speed to try and protect the pages from being ruined. He'd haphazardly woken up from falling asleep to something running down his chin, using the arm that had been holding his face up while he sat cooped up next to his desk to catch the blood. Felix could only be grateful that he hadn't accidentally ruined the pages, but now he had to focus on stopping the bleeding.

Using his hand to stop the blood from hitting the floor, Felix grabbed the shirt he'd slept in the night before and held it to his nose as he searched for a handkerchief. The young dark magic weilder knocked over a pile of books as he walked, before eventually finding one and bringing it to his face.

"Oh, so monsters can bleed?" The smug voice and the hazy image of blonde hair had Felix falling next to the books as he struggled to find his strength. Frantic eyes looked around the room, but the vision was gone, and so was the voice, leaving the room empty besides him.

What was that? A memory? The words were familiar, but Felix couldn't pinpoint where he remembered it from. Picking himself up, Felix left the books to the heap they had ended up in together.

"Felix? Are you alright?" His uncle called from below, the sound comforting the freckled man a little as he steadied his feet.

"Yes, I had just dropped some books," he called in return, taking away the handkerchief cautiously only to see no blood. Using the tips of his fingers, Felix touched the bottom of his nose and pulled them back to see nothing.

This... This isn't good.

"Concentrate Felix!" His uncle told him sternly, he'd turned at such abnormally inhumane speed, the tip of his sword at Felixs bare neck making the younger flinch and fall back a few steps, trembling at the harsh sound in the older voice. His uncles stern look seemed to mix in with uncertainty before resigning back to before. "If you cannot last a mere five minutes with me in a duel, how will I be able to confidently send you away?" He asked him, the words like arrows into the younger chest as he felt himself try and hide away from the other, sinking into his insecurities.

"I'm trying," Felix tried to agrue, his uncle about to continue before stopping himself as he listened. "I'm not someone who can wake up one day and suddenly learn how to weild a sword, let alone defend myself in a sword fight as if I'm some warrior!" Felix continued on, voice raising slightly as his emotions started to trickle out.

"I'm not expecting you to win, I'm expecting you to stay safe," his uncle reminded him as Felixs jaw tensed up, the anger and exhaustion he felt, devouring his mind.

"Its easier said, then done!" Felix huffed. Before he could continue on with his pitiful rampant, his uncle had lifted the sword to his neck once more, seeming to come to a conclusion in his head, one still frighteningly unknown to Felix who stood tensely against the blade.

"You're right," he started, Felixs mouth opening to question him, but his uncle only dismissed his unspoken words. "I've been too soft," Master Lee finished, the words sending a swarm of guilt into Felixs stomach. This time, the sword started to slowly pierce into his neck, no longer as an unsaid threat. The pain making him gasp as he instinctively moved away. Eyes wide as he watched his uncle follow him. "You must learn quickly if you wish to make it out with all of your limbs," his uncle warned before Felix could even speak, Master Lee's blade brought up once more, this time glinting with some specks of the youngers blood.

The smaller didn't dare make small talk as he ran, his uncle chasing behind him. Master Lee's sword raised alongside ready to attack, cutting into the air with precision before he started gaining on Felix. Is he seriously going to hurt me? Loosing his footing, Felix tumbled, his uncles sword missing him barely as Felix watched his uncle turn towards him. "Five minutes, survive for five minutes, Felix," he told him. It wasn't an offer. No, this was a warning that Felix had to heed if he wished to escape with everything still intact.

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