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Draconis Academy was located in the top North of Maiuslite, in the middle of Kingdom Aviour, grand land surrounded by stunning rivers, waterfalls, caves and of course, dragons. It was home to most of Maiuslites light core users, holding up to nearly three hundred thousand people. Yonboks senses were overtaken by a stronger new smell, unlike the the south village he was from that had more of a pine and floral aroma, Aviour had a rich citrusy and faint smoke like scent in the air.

Even from the outer edge of the kingdom, Yonbok could make out the notorious Draconis Academy, standing tall with a faint blue tint in its shine. He could feel his jaw drop in awe as he pushed his body closer to the opening of the carriage, his hair slowly messing with the gush of wind. "Be careful Felix" Myo warned, tugging at the edge of his shirt as he turned to give her a small smile. The academy could've been mistaken as a sky scraper with its height.

"It's beautiful... so beautiful" he told them in awe, lips stretching into a wide smile. "I thought i'd have anxiety jitters in this moment but..." he couldn't finish his words, for there wasn't anything he could say to properly explain this moment. "Aviour" he whispered the name aloud as if testing it on the tip of his tongue.

"You haven't even seen the palace yet you are smitten" Myo giggled softly as Felix turned to them as if only just remembering the palace. Walls of similar colour to the Academy yet was majestic ten fold more. Rather then being in the kingdom, it was held on the fartherest side of Aviour, at the edge of Maiuslite, meeting the Golden Ocean. It could be seen from the academy but with the mountains and smoky air it wasn't visible for Felix yet. "Was Felixs home as beautiful?" Myo asked curiously making Felix sink back to reality. The words were another harsh reminder back to his plan, this world was not his home.

"Not even near. This world is... magical" Felix stated, his hands letting go from the window as he sat back comfortably in the carriage. 

"Name?" The fae asked behind the desk, pale green hair neatly braided to keep their slanted honey brown eyes clear. Pursed thin lips and a patient look on there face as Felix cleared his throat, fixing the bag strap on his shoulder as he quickly stated his name. Immediatly, the faes eyes glanced at the piece of paper halfway towards Felixs hands and their very own. "Oh, I haven't had the luxury of meeting one of your family members yet.. have I?" They asked slowly as they let the paper go into the youngers palm. "You're... Lee Hoonjaes nephew correct?" She asks.

Lord Lee? "Have you met him?" He asked curiously. Filling out the form as the fae shook their head, chuckling lightly at the question. "Sorry that... was a stupid question" he trailed off as they gave a gentle smile.

"I have only been graced by rumours, his swordsman work is highly profound. It's a pleasure to meet his nephew" they politely stated as Felix shook his head modestly, handing back the form to the fae. "Well, good wishes for the exams young man" she told him kindly. Eyes turned into crescents as Felix thanked her and turned down the hallway.

The floor was made from white marble and kept so clean Felix could see his own reflection when he looked down. High renaissance like windows that helped to light up the hallways, allowing a view of the world outside and courtyards full of greenery. Whatever the natural light couldn't reach, the hanging candles helped to illuminate. "Lesnajas?" He heard a voice whisper, the name catching his attention as he turned to see a pair of students standing in the courtyard talking. Hushed whispers he couldn't quite understand but with how the name had been uttered he didn't doubt it was said without distain.

Is this.. the entrance scene? Felix thought to himself as he hurried to find somewhere to get a better look, before he could even attempt to find somewhere better he realiser he already had found the best view. Long dark purple hair illuminated with the light, strong and fierce feline like eyes that glared at the two people speaking. Nidra. This scene sets her name in the school, how she is looked at, how her reputation will fall... all because of these two students.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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