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Three days passed and yet Felix found himself still well... here. The fake world of magic, royalty and evil didn't seem even the slightest bit fake in the moment, even if Felix sometimes caught himself looking around, trying to catch a hidden camera that just wasn't there. Three days had given him enough time to accept that well he'd clearly died and gone to heaven.

Snorting Felix quickly covered his mouth, his confused uncle passing him a look from the other side of the dining table. Felix may be dumb but he wasn't that dumb. One measly fall like he had at the library surely couldn't have been the end.


"Felix are you sure you're alright?" His uncle asked once more, the concern showing ten fold compared to the day he had first woken up. It was times like these that Felix was grateful that his obsession with the villain and making his English name Felix made responding to people here a LOT easier, otherwise that would've made it clear to everyone a lot quicker that he wasn't well... Felix. It was both convenient and amusing to Felix honesty.

"I was up late last night, doing some thinking" Felix started, placing down his fresh role of bread as he kept eye contact with his uncle— Felixs uncle— villain Felixs uncle! Damn that was hard. His uncle caught his serious tone and sat straight, listening to him intently. "I want to study at the Draconis Academy" Felix felt himself silently fawn over his acting and how cool he sounded, making sure to keep his face straight however. "I don't want to... live in the shadows like my parents did. I want to become someone and learn more" Felix finished, holding his breath as he awaited his uncles response, eyes going over both of his uncles uncertain.

Maybe Felix was too obsessed with this book series, it was like he could remember almost every vital scene and person, a good asset since he was absolutely lost everywhere else in this world. The first thing he'd taken note of was the time, since the Red Moon Entwined Series lasted through six books, he had to figure out just where he sat in the timeline and how to move forward as this Felix.

Thankfully it was before the first school year, the year where the main character makes her entrance in the book, winning over hearts as she slowly worked to reclaim her families name, Lesnajas had been named traitors after a serious of events that ended up being framed upon them and the last living heir of the name took it upon herself to seek the truth.

Felix was fawning again, no matter how he loved the villain with his heart, he still loved the main character and her absolute loyalty to her family. She was utterly admirable.

The only thing that clashes between his love for the villain was when he had come close to killing the main character over ancestral drama. He could understand why but Felix still didn't find the point in killing the main character when she had never done anything to hurt him. Of course she was guarded but...

Now he was giving excuses. Just like everyone else who was satisfied with Felixs ending. He couldn't allow himself to do that. Felix was now in his shoes, he had the chance to really see for himself how everything was rather from others point of views— and most of all his own. He was biased and continues to be biased so now that he was in his body and could fully see and feel how this world worked, then he could give an honest opinion.

Of course Felix knew that him trying to change his villains destiny would disrupt the time line greatly, if Felix didn't end up dying as the villain who pushed on war... then he wasn't sure if someone would end up in his place. It was a high risk but Felix had the chance to finally seek peace for his character and he couldn't let it go. Whether that was fair to hold one life higher then others...

The choice was in his lap, and frankly Felix selfishly could not let his favourite character die again let alone while he was inhabiting him. It was in his control, but everything else was a hurricane of choices and decisions that he couldn't stop or do himself as well.

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