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A day had passed since Felix managed to create his first portal. It was a daunting feeling, being able to actually control magic, the same magic he'd been in awe of for years now. Though the way his body had been stopped in mid air still made his anxiety rise every time he thought back to it. "Felix is that you?" His uncles voice called out to him from upstairs as Felix tried to tiptoe downstairs.

"Yes! Sorry I'm just going for a walk, can't sleep" he answered his uncle, hearing an affirming answer from his uncle as he continued forward, slipping on his shoes and grabbing a large black cloak to slip over his shoulders to try and keep away the chill. Opening the door and closing it behind him felt heavy, an awfully loud creak following him as he realised his uncle would've caught him anyway. Sighing he shook his head and continued on his way.

The prominence of the two red moons in the sky had him expecting a red hue of some kind of light, yet it was just enough light for him to see in the dark. More familiar to his moon in his world if anything.

His world. The gnawing feeling in his mind had Felix stressed about his world. How he ended up here and how his body was in that world. If it was even there, for all he knew he could be missing right now and everyone was extremely worried. "I need to make use of my time, figure everything out" he mumbled under his breath. He could save his villains life for sure, but why not find a potential way of also going back to his world. "I'm setting myself up for something that's sure" he muttered out, whether that's failure or a heart attack from all this stress he'll have to wait and see.

He'd been as far as the edge of the village with his uncle during a grocery run. The village had all the basics; a market that was mostly busy during the morning and Sundays, post office, bakery, bar, and of course a library. Thanking whoever was up there was on his side today, he peered at the still open library, thankfully open twenty four seven as he stepped inside. As far as he knew no one hated Felix yet, so he should be safe.

"Oh it's cold" his teeth chattered, the entry to the library was acting as if he was walking into a walk in freezer. The candle lights flickered a bit at his arrival which had him frozen halfway between entering the library and leaving again. When nothing else happened he let the door close behind him as he headed inside.

"Looking for a book in particular?" A soft voice asked, frail and warm as Felix turned in the direction of an older woman sitting in a chair at the front desk, a hot mug of something unknown in her hands that lingered a sweet aroma. "Oh it's Master Lees nephew, what a surprise to see your face at such a late hour" she noted, Felixs cheeks turning a red hue at being greeted as he gently bowed at her formally.

"Sorry I was just looking for any academic books" Felix told her as she nodded, stepping out of her chair before she... slithered along the floor, Felixs eyes blinking repeatedly at the sight before he followed behind her long black scaly tail. He'd read a few things about the shifters in the books who's main form consisted between half and half. Felixs uncle was similar but he held only goat horns where as some like this woman had her whole half bottom the same as a snake.

"Any genre in particular?" She asked him gently, tilting her head to face him for a second before looking forward again. That was a good question, Felix wasn't entirely sure where to even start. This was a large library and he knew this wouldn't hold even half of what he needed to know let alone what he could possibly take in.

"History please, mainly on core magic" he asked her unsure as she hummed, leading him to one aisle near the back, a clear sign named history hanging up I've them as she showed him to his specific genre. "Thank you so much" Felix told her sincerely as she gave him a soft smile before slithering away again. Felix needed to remember that seeing people like her would be much more common then seeing anything like a flying unicorn. Felix was of dark ancestry, located in the south side of Maiuslite land. Common for anyone with dark ancestry.

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