Chapter 6

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"Andre D'Stefan? The Andre D'Stefan? Yeah, I know him. Why you askin'?" Kigurl questioned me as she twirled a piece of her hair. I was in world history class with Kigurl and Ronan. Our teacher was absent, so we talked amongst ourselves. I couldn't tell them that I just wanted to know everything about him, because he was just sexy. Ugh, I can't believe I said that. I have a boyfriend; a super dorky, but hot boyfriend...Gorden. Yet I couldn't get Andre out of my head.

"Isn't he, like, a pothead?" Ronan asked, pausing from scribbling on the back of the assigned classwork, which no one was doing. "I think he is. After you and Lydia left school yesterday, he was hanging around Benny, talking about paper clips and Kix." Oh God, again with the Kix? I was just waiting for that dumb drug dealer to just pass out already. "Do you like him or something?"

"Uhh..." I didn't know how to answer that. Did I like him? I could feel my face turning pinker by the second.

"Bitch, it's a yes or no question!" Kigurl practically shouted to the whole class as she threw her notebook at me. I was this close to being hit in the face, but somehow I managed to dodge Kigurl's seemingly innocent missile.

Ronan held back giggles and looked at me expectantly. "Well, do you?" She enquired.

"God, I don't know, okay?" I lowered my voice to a whisper. "I didn't think there would be anyone better than Gorden, guys. I swear, I thought he was the one. But now there's Andre and...I don't know what to do." It was true. I had no idea how to deal with a hot guy and a boyfriend at the same time. Maybe I could ask Candy...


When I got home, neither of my parents were present, but Candy was. I immediately busted into her room, and found my older sister posing for selfies in front of her mirror. Candy's room looked like any other typical teenage girl's bedroom; there were pictures of friends and mainstream musicians on the walls, frilly and bright clothes everywhere, a wall of whips and chains, you know, the usual. But no one would expect to find a whole side of Candy, a side filled with many men and a lot of kinky acts. I could always count on my older sister to give me advice on boys, since she played around with a new one every other day.

"Candy! Candy!" I called out frantically. "I need your help, like, desperately!" I sat down on her bed and threw my head into my hands, on the verge of crying. This was such a stressful moment for me. How could I deal with a boyfriend and a hot guy, both at once? I mean, I loved them both, but I couldn't be with both of them.

"Aww, what's the matter, baby sis?" Candy sat down beside me and patted my back. "Is there any boy trouble going on, or..."

I turned to her, rubbing my nose with my hand. "Well..." Then, I told her everything. I told her about Gorden and Andre, and how I was conflicted between them. I told her about how much I loved my boyfriend, but I still had feelings for Andre, even though I didn't know much about him. I told her that I didn't want to make a move on Andre because I knew it would hurt Gorden, but it was hard to hold back my urges. And Candy didn't criticize me. Instead, she comforted me and understood me in a way that none of my friends could.

"It's okay, Mumu, I know how it feels," She assured me. "Here's what you do: you experiment. You know, stay with Gorden, but just try things out with Andre. See how things go. If you like him better than Gorden, then go after him. If not, then just pretend like your fling with Andre never happened."

"But...isn't that cheating?"

Candy stared at me as if I had said I enjoyed eating worms.

"Of course not! It's, experiment, basically." That made sense... sort of. "Well, good luck! Now get out of my room. People are gonna come over and we're gonna shoot a movie, okay?"

By movie, she meant porno.

So, I left Candy's room, and a few minutes later, several people came over and went into her room, and then the door was shut. While those people made 'a movie', I laid in bed and thought about experimenting. After some contemplation, I decided to take Candy's advice. I would try things out with Andre, behind Gorden's back, of course.

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