Chapter 24

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    "IT'S MY FAVORITE LITTLE NIGLET!" Chase bellowed on Monday morning. Why's he here so bright and early? He wrapped an arm around Ronan, who giggled giddily and babbled a reference to Adventure Time. I turned it out, because there was only one thing frolicking through my mind.

    Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry Pitt-Berger.

    He would be mine.

    A familiar arm pulled the school door open for me, and I strutted in without uttering a "thank you". After all, Harry was more important than any door holder would ever be. Even if that door holder was a beautiful boy known as Ashley Cohen. Beautiful boys didn't matter. Harry mattered. He had permeated my brain and turned it into a pile of mush. Yu Gi Oh-flavored mush.

    In a matter of seconds, I found myself standing in front of my locker.

    "Bro, are you alright?" Lydia practically slapped me in the face with her algebra notebook. She was still dragging herself around, wearing Faeleb's over-sized sweater over her recently all-black outfits. What had gotten into that girl? I should be the one questioning her.

    "I need to find Harry. It's driving me insane. I need to talk to him; I miss him so much. It's like...I'm addicted to him. I'm craving him. I need him right now or I'm gonna explode!"

    "YO, FUCK DAT SHIT. I JUST HEARD THE CRAZIEST THING––" Kigurl almost ran us over as she barreled to her locker.

    Ronan appeared subsequently, thankfully unaccompanied by Chase. She interrupted Queen Ratchet immediately. "SHE'S DEAD! SHE'S DEAD!" she sang. "This is...this Actually, I think I might throw up."

    "What. Is. Going. On?" I shouted, bordering on hysteria.

    "Trixie's dead," Ronan whispered as she began unpacking her bag. "I heard they found her lying in her room. I - I can't believe it. What if it's my fault? I said I wanted her dead but…I didn't mean it! Oh my God, it's my fault isn't it? Oh…oh my…." she continued mumbling something about Karma and how nothing ever worked in her favor while my mind simply drifted back to Harry.

    Sure, I hated Trixie with a passion, but I didn't really care about her. I hadn't even known her…

    At that very moment, Benny stumbled into his locker, barely able to see straight. He began fumbling with Ronan's lock, which I believed he perceived as his own.

    "That's not yours, Benny," Ronan laughed.

    "Big Bro's girl tellin me what to do?" He half laughed as he shimmied over to the appropriate lock and slammed it against the locker.

    "It's not gonna open like that," Ronan remarked in an amused tone.

    Was it just me or was she remarkably close to the Gryzbowsky brothers all of a sudden?   

    "I AM GOING TO KILL MYSELF!" Faeleb hurled himself against the lockers with the most passion and emphasis I had seen from one human being in my life.

    "Please don't." Lydia deadpanned.

    "SHE'S DEAD!" He wailed. "Trixie's dead! I bought her this and she's dead." He produced a small packet of Williams Sonoma saltwater taffy from the pocket of his shorts.

    "Sorry, but I have more important things to do than talk about some dead person," Lydia spat. I could feel the fire in her words; any more anger and she would've murdered us all. "Oh, and I'll take these." She snatched the taffy from Faeleb's hand before marching off to the sixth floor.

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