Chapter 19

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    "Not only is he perfect but he's perfect and JESUS MAN WHY DOESN'T MAGICK WORK ON HIM? It worked on everyone else…"

    Lydia looked at Ronan hopelessly while tugging on her newly shorn locks. Upon hearing that Faeleb and Trixie had been flirting quite voraciously, she had decided that a change was necessary. If he wouldn't notice her with the help of black magick, maybe a new haircut would do the trick.

    So she chopped off her waist-skimming hair to nothing more than a shoulder-length bob. I wasn't so sure about Faeleb, but everyone else sure was noticing.

    "Ugh. How is he perfect? He writes 'swag' all over himself and wears the same shorts every. Single. Day. He's a potato," Ronan scoffed as she laid her purple sleeping bag directly in front of Lydia's massive fireplace.

    We were, as my spell casting friend put it, letting our friendship blossom by having a sleepover in her cottage-like house. It was the first sleepover that our group of friends had had. Maybe Lydia did have something going with that whole idea of blossoming. We were getting closer by the second; learning things about each other that we never knew as we sat in the beach-housesque sunroom.

    "YOOO, I HAVE S'MORES!" came a voice from somewhere in the front of the house. Lydia scrambled up from her window seat, which doubled as a bed and tripled as a reading nook, and bolted to the front door, muddling up Ronan's and my sleeping bags in the process.

    "KIGURL!" We heard Lydia wail.

    I grinned at Ronan. She knew how skilled I was at gormandizing free food. And now, not only did we have Lydia's gourmet frozen s'mores, which she had learned to make from none other than master pastry chef Dominique Ansel himself, but we were also blessed with Kigurl's five pound bars of chocolate accompanied by innumerable graham crackers and marshmallows bigger than my hands.

    Who needed boys when one could have an orgasm from food?

    As if on command, Kigurl strutted into the room. "Screw Lydia and Faeleb; we all know they gon work out jus fine. Mumu, you gotta tell me about Hyundai! You get it in yet?" She winked mischievously while handing Lydia the mountain of food.

    I blushed. While Hyundai and I had spent hours and hours on end in my room doing…things, we hadn't even kissed yet. I was practically salivating to get those juicy lips all over me. To feel their soft caress that was presumably better than kissing memory foam.

    His lips would mold to my every lump and curve. His sweat would bathe the both of us, transporting me to a tropical fantasy land in which no boy would ever leave me. In which I would be a goddess who was loved by all and––

    "Mumu…" Ronan gave me a quizzical look.

    "I'm getting my nail polish if anyone wants a manicure. Kigurl, the frozen s'mores are on the island in the kitchen. Oooh, and we can do spells later, but you all have to promise me that you won't get squeamish if we prick fingers," Lydia breathed as she meandered out of the sunroom and into the formal living room. Minutes later, we all heard her bolt up the stairs and into her room.

    "I heard 'bout you and Mr. Crack Cocaine," laughed Kigurl.

    I shot her a confused look. I had set a new personal record where relationships were concerned. After that fateful day in October when Hyundai had stood up for me in the bubble tea shop, we began dating. And that was it. Hyundumu had been together ever since. There was no Mr. Crack Cocaine anywhere…

    "THIS BITCH!" Kigurl laughed, slapping Ronan's arm.

    "Ooooh who is he?" I was genuinely curious. Ronan had never once hinted at a crush. Whenever any of us talked about the boys we liked, she simply listened and occasionally provided sage advice.

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