Chapter 5

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Osric hugged the shadows as he followed Amelia through the village. When he stormed out of her parent's house a moment ago, he'd had every intention of catching up with her and apologizing for his father's behavior. But something in him was curious. When he saw her walking, he began wondering where she would go. Would she go home? If so, where did she live? Would she go to a friend's house? Who was it that she talked to about her troubles since he had vacated the role?

He'd been thinking about her all week. He still needed to apologize—for his father sure, but also for his own behavior all those years ago. He hadn't been able to bring it up at her parent's house. He was nervous, he realized. What if she rejected his apology? What if the damage he'd inflicted was too deep to be repaired? So, he had stayed silent, stealing glances at her when she wasn't looking. She hadn't done the same, instead she avoided looking at anyone for most of the night.

He closed his eyes for a moment. That was his fault. He didn't regret rejecting the prophesy; it wasn't right of their parents to try and force them into anything they didn't want to do. But he did regret his words and actions toward Amelia. Esmerelda had been right; she had been in the same position as he was and she hadn't deserved his anger.

He would apologize. Right now. As he made to step out of the shadows, he saw Amelia stop in front of a house. She raised her hand to knock on the door, but seemed to hesitate. He decided to press himself back out of view and wait. After raising and lowering her hand a few times, she started to turn away. That was strange; whose house was this that she was too nervous to knock? Before she could get too far, the door opened revealing a half-naked man. He looked familiar to Osric, but he couldn't place the man's face.

From his position, he was too far back to see or hear much of anything. He attempted to move closer without revealing himself. He moved forward under cover of shadow until he was standing behind a wooden sign for Indale's newest apothecary shop.

He felt like a stalker, following Amelia and hiding behind objects, but it was too late now. If he revealed himself, she would know that he was following her, and if he tried to walk away, there was a good chance they would see him.

From this distance he could make out the shirtless man's face, but he still couldn't put a name to it until Amelia said, "I'm sorry for interrupting your evening, Jeremy. I can go, we can talk tomorrow." She motioned toward something Osric couldn't see. Jeremy. Jeremy Belmont? So that's where he knew him. Jeremy was a Mist Guard. They weren't in the same squad, but they had worked together a few times. He'd seemed...okay. A bit full of himself for Osric's liking. He seemed like the kind of person that always thought he was right, even when he was clearly proven to be wrong. Who was he to Amelia? Obviously, they were comfortable enough for him to be standing shirtless in front of her.

"It's no trouble. Is everything alright, Mil? Not that I mind your visit, of course, but it's not like you to show up in the middle of the night."

Mil. They were familiar enough for nicknames? And what the hell kind of nickname was 'Mil'? Osric glared at Jeremy, his dislike for the man growing stronger. Jeremy's voice was different from when they worked together in the mist. More gentle, less pompous.

Rubbing the back of her neck, Amelia replied, "Just having a bad evening. I was hoping we would hang out or...but that doesn't matter. You're obviously in the middle of something."

Osric tried to peer around the sign. He was obviously missing something and he wanted to know what. As he leaned over, his focus remaining solely on the two in front of  him, he lost his balance and began falling right in the path of the light produced by the street orb. "Shit," he cursed, attempting to catch himself before Jeremy spotted him. He threw out his arm, elbow bent, and as soon as his palm touched the ground, he sprung back into his crouching position behind the sign. 

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