Chapter 8

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"Who says I'm researching anything?" Amelia retorted, buying herself time. She had known that Osric would likely want to talk about something during their time together. She had just hoped she was wrong and that he would be as content as she was to avoid hanging out while they...hung out. She could admit it wasn't perfect logic.

In the case that she wasn't wrong, however, she chose to do an activity that she didn't mind sharing. While this potion was very dear to her, her love of potions was not news to him and it's not as if he could recreate the potion himself. She had been prepared to tell him about it. So why was she so nervous now that the time had come?

"You have half a dozen books on the table and half of them are open with notes written in the margins. I may not have gone to an academic academy, but I do know what researching looks like." How could he look so at ease? She had suggested they meet at her home because it was familiar to her, she thought she would feel more comfortable here. But seeing him in her space felt too...intimate. Her house had never felt so tiny.

"It's research for a potion that I'm creating."

He leaned back against the loveseat and smiled. "Wow, moved on from reading someone else's potions to creating your own? I'm impressed." Her stomach filled with butterflies at his praise. She bristled and scolded her body for reacting to his praise. There was no reason it should make her happy.

"I've only created a few successfully and none of them are very interesting. But if I can get this on right, it could change healing for the better."

He looked truly interested when he asked, "How so?"

Curse her heart for fluttering at his attention. Part of her wanted to stop this conversation right now so that she didn't have to feel so conflicted. But another part of her, the more powerful part apparently, wanted him to know how amazing she could be. She just wasn't sure if it was because she desired him or if she wanted him to know what he missed out on. She decided to go with the second; it seemed safer.

"The current healing potions on the market aren't able to keep up with the growing strength of disease." She'd seen it over and over at the clinic. More and more often, patients were dying prematurely from diseases that should be preventable. "My hope is that this potion will act as a strengthener for the healing potions we currently have access to."

He was silent for a moment; his expression was unreadable. "That's actually really impressive. Are you sure you can create something like that?"

Amelia's eyes flashed. "What make's you think I couldn't create this potion? Do you think so little of me to believe that I wouldn't be capable?"

Osric flinched and his brows drew together, "Millie, I didn't say that to insult you. I just know how difficult it can be to make potions and the one you're describing seems beyond hard. I was more asking if you had the resources you would need to make it, not the intelligence. I know you're smart, Amelia. And driven. I've seen it many times. If anyone could make this potion, it would be you."

Her anger winked out, leaving surprise in its wake. Had he really not meant to insult her? His question had sounded pretty insulting, but...Amelia blushed as she thought about him calling her smart and driven. Did he mean those words? She was so confused. She looked away from him, trying to regain her sense of composure. "I'm not sure if I have the resources necessary," she admitted. "I've been working on the potion for half a year now and I feel like I've reached a line in the mist. I'm not sure how to move forward."

He nodded. "Listen, I do know a pretty good apothecarist. She just opened her own shop this week. Maybe I could introduce you two and you could get some inspiration on moving forward."

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