Chapter 9

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"Did you get any good information?" Osric asked as they walked down the street. It was still light outside, but dusk was fast approaching. There a crowd of people around them; some talked with companions while others walked silently, likely just getting off of work. The warm summer air and the scents of flowers calmed her.

"I'm not sure," Amelia admitted. "She suggested a lot of things that I had already tried, but she did say she would lend me a publication that might help." Osric nodded, thoughtful. "She's very knowledgeable," Amelia said, glancing at him from the corner of her eyes. She still wasn't sure what Osric's relationship with Esmerelda was. He always called her his friend, but she had assumed it went beyond that. After Esmerelda mentioned them being together, though, she wasn't so sure.

He didn't react, just said, "She is. Most of it goes over my head." He huffed a self-deprecating laugh. "I think she's been interested in potions for a long time, obsessed with them actually, but she never imagined that she would be able to run her own shop. She comes from a...less than supportive family."

The crowd on the street thinned out and Osric took a right turn. Amelia wondered where they were going. She didn't eat out often, preferring to cook at home. She was about to ask him where he was taking her when he sighed and said, "Listen...about next Thursday."

Next Thursday? Ah yes, next Thursday, when he was supposed to meet Esmerelda. Her irritation flared as she remembered. "Did you plan on meeting with her behind my back?" she asked hotly. 

"What? No! We have a deal and I'm going to honor it. It just slipped my mind with everything that's been going on this week." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Esmerelda and I get together every Thursday, but I can call it off for this month if you'd like."

Amelia stiffened. She was confused and slightly irritated. He said he would honor their deal, but now he's asking if she will give him permission to break it so that he can... do what exactly?

He must have noticed her silence because he rushed to say, "You can come if you'd like! It might actually be easier; I can take care of you both that way."

Amelia's eyes grew wide, "What?" she sputtered.

"Or not. I can just let her know that we'll have to resume our training after this month is over and you and I can train during that time."

"Train?" she asked not quite comprehending what was happening. Train. The word repeated in her head a few times before it finally clicked what he was saying. "You train Esmerelda." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes. Every Thursday. I was thinking I could combine your training with hers. I figured that might make you feel more comfortable."

"Oh," she said, a little breathless. She tried her best not to let out the nervous giggle that had lodged itself in the back of her throat.

"You okay?" he asked, looking over her face, concern evident in his eyes.

She pressed her lips together and tried to tamper down her mortification. She had thought...Oh Gods, she had thought that he and Esmerelda got together on Thursday and he was inviting her join in. Dropping her face in her hands, she groaned. Why was her mind so focused around sex all of a sudden? She hardly ever thought about sex and now, it seemed to be on her brain like crazy. Gods she was so embarrassed.

"Amelia," he prompted. He stepped in front of her, causing her to bump into his chest, hands still covering her eyes. She stumbled back and looked up at him. "Hey," his voice was gentle. He looked like he wanted to touch her, but thought better of it. He lowered his hands to his side, but continued looking at her, eyebrows drawn. "Are you alright?"

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