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All the survivors stupidly pile into one van

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All the survivors stupidly pile into one van. The fear of the redheaded Demon getting to them was high, especially with how she taunted both Clear and Kat.

The rest were still reeling from Nora's gruesome death and discovering that someone like Thana was real. That Death was an actual entity with a list of people's deaths.

It seemed improbable to think that your death was already predestined. Not only that, but if you somehow skip your end, Thana herds you back to the big white light in the goriest way possible.

Death wasn't supposed to be scary but the way Thana reaped had them all shivering and wishing for peace. Clear was doing the same, except she prayed to a certain Angel.

"I still can't believe it," Burke muttered from his seat, slowly blinking. The shock was beginning to wear off for them all. "How-? What or who was that Clear?".

The blonde swallowed hard; she had been waiting for one of them to start questioning her. "That was Thana, she's a Demon, but more importantly, she's Death."

Each person in the van visibly recoiled; they had met Death. Like the actual Death, except it was in the form of a redhead girl, not a robe-wearing, scythe-wielding skeleton.

"Death?" Rory repeated with a laugh, but it sounded more like a high giggle "who knew Death was a chick, a hot chick" he mumbled as an afterthought.

Clear winced, Alex had thought the same. He underestimated Thana because of how she looked. The redhead was able to fly under the radar with humans because, to them, she looked like a pretty teenage girl.

"It's weird, though; she's never shown herself to everyone before," The blonde muttered to herself as she glanced down at her hands. Thana had only shown herself to the person who was next to die.

What was her game?

"What do you mean" Kat nervously asked, chain-smoking from the driver's seat as she eyed Clear in the rearview mirror.

"When Thana was hunting my friends and me last time, she would only show herself to the people she was killing next. It was like a mind fuck tactic" The survivors all eyed the blonde with pity.

They had already heard her story and told their own, realizing they should all have been dead a year ago. That's why the redhead was gunning for them.

Clear had explained that Thana hates anything that doesn't go her way, so she wouldn't kill them any other way than she's already planned.

But what if this time was different, she had already shown herself to the group. That was like Thana's ace. Did that mean she was getting bored, or worse, did she have a plan for them already?

"Alex was the only one that Thana would show up for. She loved toying with him like a game of cat and mouse. This is just one big game to her-" seeing their faces, she quickly changed her words.

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