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Flashing lights filled the streets from the emergency services as the fire in the Lewton household was finally put out

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Flashing lights filled the streets from the emergency services as the fire in the Lewton household was finally put out.

The neighbors crowd the road as police make their rounds and question any witnesses to the death of Valarie Lewton.

A body bag on top of a gurney is rolled out of the front door by paramedics, and following behind the body bag containing the deceased high school teacher is William Bludworth who was wearing a jacket marked "CORONER".

Forensic Scientists have been scoping the house and collecting any evidence that wasn't charred or wholly ruined, which included the damning evidence of a shoe and fingerprints belonging to the person who last saw and possibly killed Valarie.

Knowing the gravity of the situation with another survivor of flight 180 being horrifically killed, the FBI quickly took the evidence back to the lab and put a rush order on it to find out who had murdered the teacher.

Agents Schrek and Agent Weine had an idea who it might have been, but they couldn't confirm their earlier suspicions without hard evidence; however, it wasn't too far-fetched to think the same boy who was lurking around earlier that night was the culprit.

As soon as it was confirmed that the prints belonged to the blond-haired teenager, the FBI agents began searching for him, but to no avail, he was gone without a trace.

They had a statement from Billy Hitchcock saying that he saw his classmate running from the scene before the house lit up into a fireball.

The crime scene had been tapped off, but that couldn't stop a particular Angel from looking around at the tragic events "Oh Thana," he sighed as his eyes roamed the burnt house and sobbing neighbors.

Valarie Lewton was well-loved and didn't deserve such a horrific death.

Castiel knew that it was his sister's job to help people get to the other side, but he had never seen her cause deaths so violently as she had been for the last few years.

She was supposed to be a neutral being, but her Demonic side must be influencing her more and more, especially since he had delivered a vision to Sam Lawton.

That vision led to him and his friends to survive the North Bay Bridge collapse and Thana had been on a vengeance to keep the humans in line and to keep the design working smoothly.

The Angel knew that his helpful hand was pushing his sister her to lose her temper and become overly angry at the survivors, but Castiel wanted to help the human live longer and better. 

He was after all the Angel of Life.

Castiel knew that showing Alex that vision would be the North Bay Bridge collapse all over again, but he was hoping that he could help these survivors instead.

So far, he was failing miserably, his little sister was always one step ahead of him.

He needed help to get his sister back to judging and delivering death neutrally, and he felt like that someone was Alex.

The blond boy had managed to find out about Thana's design all on his own. He even faced the red-haired Demon of Death and didn't back down.


Thana's heels clicked against the floor as she made her way through the stone hallway, she had been summoned by her Father.

She knew that he was going to ask about the design, but she also knew she was his favorite, so he shouldn't be that mad at the flawed system.

Marching up to the doors that opened up her Father's throne room, Thana frowns when they weren't opened immediately by the lower level demon's guarding it. "Hey! Wake up!" the redhead yells as the guards jump into action.

"Sorry, Thana" They both apologized with their heads down, looking ashamed as Thana strolls by them with an evil glare "these doors open as soon as you hear me coming" she hisses at them with a bite in her voice as they nodded obediently.

"Idiots," The girl seethes as she struts into the throne room where her Father sat watching her with a knowing look "trouble, sweetheart?" his British accent ran clear as his eyes held amusement.

Thana stops just before the throne and crosses her arms.

"Haven't you got any smarter Demons working for you?" Thana sassed rolling her eyes as the Devil watched her with parental eyes, he knew his daughter could be a lot, but that was just Thana; take her or leave her.

She wasn't going to change for anyone.

"If we had smarter Demon's, they'd be lining up for your job," Lucifer taunted jokingly as Thana stood up straight, her Father had given her the title of Death when she had come of age, and she knew she was damn good at it.

Maybe a little too good at times.

"So Thana, tell me how your design fairing?" Thana bit her lip, knowing this was coming, but she still couldn't stop herself from wanting her Father's approval.

However, she knew he'd be disappointed as yet another person had strayed from their path since the death of Valerie Lewton.

"Castiel's helping hand has sent my design into a spiral. I have people surviving their chosen fate left, right and center!" the redhead almost stomped her foot with a dark red pout but managed to stop the bratty movement.

"Castiel has been interfering once again?" Thana nodded quickly at Lucifer's angry question as the man's eyes turned red, if she could shift all the blame onto her brother, she would definitely do so.

Even though she was the granddaughter of God, she was still the daughter of the Devil and had more traits in common with him.

"If he hadn't given those stupid little visions in the first place, I wouldn't be following humans around like a lost puppy" The girl spat feeling her fury raising.

Right now, she still had Alex, Clear, Carter, and Billy to find before going for the others who escaped their death because of her current fleet of humans.

"Don't you worry about Castiel, I think this needs a Father's touch" Lucifer purred as his only daughter gave a winning smile, you couldn't refute that she was definitely a daddy's girl but getting her big brother out of her hair without having to lift a finger made it all worth it.

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