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Paris, France – 6 Months Later.

Sitting in front of Le Cáfe Miro 81 Alex, Clear, and Carter sigh happily watching the Parisian life whiz past them with no worries "Voilà, merci," the waiter said as he placed down their drinks with a smile and a nod when they reciprocated his thank you.

Alex leans back into his chair "Wow," he breaths out as he looks at Clear "It's weird being here, huh" he questioned, motioning out to Paris "We finally completed a puzzle. It's just there's something missing. You know?"

The blond had spent a fair bit of time in the hospital getting over his injuries and burns but something hadn't stopped nagging at him ever since they had taken down Thana not that he could explain to Clear or Carter.

It was quiet for a beat before Carter lifted up his glass solemnly "to Terri" he spoke softly as he remembered his girlfriend who did nothing to deserve the gruesome and painful death that she received while he was still breathing.

"Yeah, to Tod" Alex quickly agreed taking his glass and lifting it up beside Carters, reminiscing about his best friend that didn't deserve the cruel fate that he received and how he wasn't able to save him in time.

"To all of our friends that can't be here" Clear finalized as she clinked her wine glass against theirs in cheers to the people they had loved and unfairly lost.

Alex watched Carter confused when the dark-haired man started to laugh to himself "What?" he questioned curiously, it was unlike him to laugh after bringing up Terri.

"If you told me 6 months ago that the three of us would be sitting here having a drink..." Carter trailed off as Alex himself began to laugh; 6 months ago, they were at each other's throats daily and Carter probably threaten to beat Alex up more than once.

"I don't know. I mean, sometimes I just feel like the two of you are the only ones who really understand" Carter admitted out loud as he glanced at both Clear and Alex, who nod along with his words knowingly.

A guitarist staring playing a tune as Carter looks at Alex. "You were right, Browning. It did skip us, there was a design" He sighed as he continued, "We beat it, you know? We won" Even after seeing Thana Carter struggle to believe the design of Death, but now he knew for sure.

Clear eyed Carter apprehensively, "I think the only thing we won, Carter, is a chance at a full life," she said finally understanding to not underestimate Death's power.

Every time they thought they could beat Thana she punished them ten times worse "A chance that I won't ever waste."

It was only 6 months down the line, and she grew up a lot, she now trusted her instincts more, and she guessed she did have Thana to thank for that. Having a Demon stalk her, and even more that Demon being Death made Clear cherish her gift of empathy even more.

Having felt what Alex felt on the plane, and all those dark negative feelings whenever Thana was around really helped her understand her role in life and how Death hadn't taken her parents to be spiteful, it was all just part of some bigger design. Not that it hurt any less.

Clear placed her hand into Alex's as he lets out another sigh, "Yeah. There's just something, you know, something I can't figure out," the blond confessed as he went over the same thoughts as he'd been having since coming out of the hospital.

"About what?" Carter shrugged, he'd locked up all those feelings of fear and loneliness in the back of his mind and was now trying to find life after Death. He never really thought about his life after high school, but watching your girlfriend die in front of you puts things into perspective.

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