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Alex and Clear sit down at a small coffee shop talking about what they had previously found out

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Alex and Clear sit down at a small coffee shop talking about what they had previously found out.

The blond's eyes are searching for anything potentially deadly as he leans towards Clear "The mortician said that death has a design, I'm talking about omens."

There was no way Alex was going to tell anyone about the strange Angel from yesterday, not until he knew if they believed him.

He knew how crazy he would sound telling them about an Angel visiting him to talk about his sister, death.

"How do we know that just by sitting here by sipping this coffee or breathing the air or even crossing the intersection, we haven't started in motion the events that will someday lead to our death forty years from now, ten years, tomorrow?"

Alex stops his short rant as he reaches into his pocket. "We don't, unless we open ourselves up," pulling out the small piece of torn paper, he slid it across to the girl "to the signs it's willing to show us."

Clear looked down at the small paper with the word TOD written on it. "I don't understand," she glanced back up at Alex nervously. "Did you see Tod die? Did it happen again, like on the plane?".

The blond sighed as he sat back in his seat "No, it didn't, but it might as well have" tapping the paper desperately Alex huffed "This is a message from something, Clear...or someone, hinting at a design and it's trying to help us fight death."

"Total bullshit," Clear began with a laugh. "You can find death omens anywhere you want to".

Suddenly Alex's attention is pulled to the window of the Coffee shop where he sees a reflection of a bus passing, but when he turns around, there was no bus in sight.

Hearing Clear's voice in the back of his mind, he turned back to the girl who hadn't realized he wasn't listening. "I want to hear you, but we'll go nuts if you start with this shit."

"The mortician said that death has a design, right?" Clear nodded at Alex's words as the boy let out a breath "Now, what if you, me, Tod, Carter Terry, Billy, Mrs. Lewton messed up that design? For whatever reason, I saw death's plan... and we cheated it".

Clear opened her mouth to talk, but Alex continued, "But what if it was our time? What if we were not meant to get off that plane? What if it still is our time?" the blond boy asked rhetorically as he started to get worked up.

Looking into Clear's eyes, he wanted her to believe him, "If it is, then it's not finished...and we will die. Now, not later. Unless we find the patterns and cheat it again".


Thana sat on top of the construction site as she watched the group of teenagers argue below unknowing of what was coming next for one of them.

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