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"Gah... I'm so sore." I groaned. Jisung laughed. 

"Geez. It's so funny, seeing you like this."

"Shut up." I groaned again as we walked into the class we shared together. I put my head down on my desk. 

Last night was incredible. Too bad I wouldn't see him again. Though it was just a one-night thing, and we both were trying to get over something, I'd do it all over again if I could. Just maybe, less drunk.

"Wow, the hickeys on your neck are gnarly. He was rough with you, huh?"

"Shut up, moron." I said quietly. 

"Apparently Professor Hwasa has an intern. I've heard he's hot."


"Welcome back to class, everyone. I hope you enjoyed your weekend," I heard the professor's voice. "I'd like to introduce you to my intern, Professor Bang."

I didn't look up- just kept my head on my desk. It was such a long night, and I was exhausted. 

"Hello, I am Bang Chan. You may refer to me as Professor Bang. I am twenty five, and a student from America. Let's all learn together." The voice sounded vaguely familiar...

"God, he's literally so hot!" I heard Jisung whisper yell. I hummed, closing my eyes. Gosh, I really was super tired. 

"Mister Lee, this isn't a time to sleep. Raise up and listen, or I'll send you out."

I groaned, raising my head. I rubbed my eyes, meeting eyes with the intern, who smirked at me, crossing his arms. 

Fuck. There was no way. 

Those eyes, that body, it really couldn't be anyone but him. 

"Jeez Lix, you look like you see a ghost."

"I'll explain later, but that's him." I said quietly. 

All throughout class, he would look at me and smile. Meanwhile I could only think about last night, his dark eyes and his confidence as he was so gentle yet rough with me. I truly was distracted. 

"Wait, so that's the guy you fucked? Our intern?" Jisung nudged my shoulder at lunch and I groaned. 

"I thought I'd never see him again."

"He's so incredibly good looking."

"God, I know, right? He's so..."

Beautiful. Thats what he called me. I loved that. 

"Euch. Here comes"

"Please don't say his name."

"He's with her, again."

I didn't say anything as I watched Wooseok walk in with his new girlfriend. I could understand why he wanted her instead of me. She truly was beautiful. Her body was so nice and petite. Her smile was gorgeous, and her hair was like silk. I understood. I just wish he didnt cheat on me like he did. 

"E-excuse me," I mumbled to Jisung as I rushed off, into the bathroom. I hid in a stall, muffling my cries. I hated how much I loved him, still. 

"Are you okay?" 

That voice. Chan, was his name?

"I-I'm okay, Professor."

"Felix, let me comfort you."

I opened the stall door and he knelt beside me, pulling me into his broad arms. 

"I loved him so much." I let out and he hummed. 

"I'm sure you did, Felix. We all go through something like this, okay? Heartbreak is just normal in life."

"It's never hurt this bad before," I pulled back slightly. "We were together two years. We were even engaged..."

"And he cheated on you, correct?"

"He did. B-But shes really pretty, I don't blame him. I could tell he was losing interest in me beforehand, and I tried whatever I could to keep him with me. I just guess I wasn't good enough."

"Felix..." He ruffled my hair, then wiped my cheeks with his thumb. "You have beautiful freckles."

My freckles... 

Wooseok always hated them, made me wear makeup to cover them up. He said they weren't correct beauty standards...

"Felix, are you good? Oh.... OH!!!" Jisung walked in with a smirk on his face, seeing Chan holding me in his arms. 

"I-I'm okay. He was comforting me."

"Just comforting?" Jisung winked. I stood up, brushing myself off. Chan did the same. 

"God, shut up, Jisung. Thank you, Professor."

"Of course. You should go before you're late to any classes."

I nodded, walking away with Jisung. 

Chan was nice.

Prof. Bang / / ChanLix 18+Where stories live. Discover now