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The last chapter was so short I figured I had better get the next out ASAP. :)


That night the team met up at the district to prepare for the takedown. Adam and Kim dressed as university kids, stylish but simple. Kim had added a lot more makeup than usual and wore a low cut v neck shirt with a leather jacket. Adam wore a sweater and light jacket to keep warm in the early summer breeze. Jay and Hailey parked the undercover van down the street within sight of the front door but far enough not to attract suspicion. Shortly after Kim and Adam pulled up to a run down neighborhood with row houses in his Jeep. He threw his arm across Kim's shoulders as they sauntered up to the house. Hailey had the camera ready and took pictures of the man as he opened the door and welcomed the couple into the house.

"They're in Sarg." Jay announced over the 2-way radio. Jay and Hailey settled in to watch the live camera feed from Kim's jacket. Both Kim and Adam had trackers and audio devices in their clothing as well. The audio could be played individually but more importantly, it would record the drug deal for the District Attorney. Jay and Hailey settled in front of the monitors but had their guns out and ready to jump out if anything looked suspicious.

Adam and Kim followed the gang member down the stairs of the backsplit home to the recreation room in the basement. Several other members were sitting on couches with beer bottles on the table. There was a short hallway with several doors towards the back of the room. A few gangsters were playing video games on a large screen television.

JD led them to a man sitting in an armchair sipping a beer. He wore a thick gold chain necklace and a baseball cap. "Mike, this Trey."

"Mike! So nice of you to come visit us so far away from the university. JD has been telling me all about you. You've managed to make us some good money with those college kids." The leader stood from the couch and shook Adam's hand.

"Yes we have. Nice to finally meet you Trey.That's why I'm here. You know how university kids love to party when they are finished with their exams." Adam squeezed Kim's shoulders as she giggled.

"Why don't you take off your jackets and grab a beer? Hang out with us for awhile?" Trey asked, eying Kim's low cut shirt.

"That sounds like fun but we're going to a big party tonight, aren't we baby?" Kim squeezed into Adam and kissed his cheek. Adam accepted the beer and opened it but stayed standing. He didn't want to rush the deal and make their prey suspicious. In the van Hailey worked furiously to ID the men in the room.

"Sarg, Trey Whalens. He's high in the Disciples. He's wanted on several assault, trafficking, and possession charges. He's also wanted for assaulting a police officer. It says here he beat a patrol cop when they were called to his moms house for suspected domestic assault. He's been hiding out for about 6 months." Hailey informed the team over the headsets. Kim could hear the information but Ruzek did not have an earpiece in to ensure he didn't accidentally reveal the research.

Inside the room Kim took her lip gloss from her pocket. It was a predetermined signal to Adam that this was one of the targets. Adam pretended to take a swig of beer.

"Another night I would love to hang out with you fine gentleman but as my lady mentioned we are on our way to a party. A party where many of our customers are waiting for party favors. What do you say we get this arrangement going?" Adam passed the bottle to Kim who pretended to take a swig. Trey's phone buzzed and he took a second to read it and respond before putting it back in his pocket.

"Sounds like a plan. I hear you throw a mean party. We should collaborate one of these days. We could make a killing. Marcus, go get the party favors." Trey nodded to one of the men waiting to play video games. The man left the room presumably to get the drugs. "You got the bread?"

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