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    Cyan dealt with crazy one night stands before but never one that fucking insane

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Cyan dealt with crazy one night stands before but never one that fucking insane. Hours later and even in the safety of his bedroom he was still on edge. It also didn't help that Jordan was refusing to leave his side. Cyan laughed as Jordan fussed over him.

"You think this is funny, Cy? You could've been killed or worse!" Jordan said with wide eyes. He couldn't believe how cool his best friend was being about this!

"You ran out the house naked!"

Cyan just shrugged. He couldn't think of anything  that would've been worse than being killed but he let Jordan ramble on. He just wanted to forget about this whole ordeal, last night included. Not that he remembered last night at all anyway. He rubbed the hair on his chin, which is what he often did when he fell in deep thought.

For some odd reason, all his thoughts were about Killan and that weird club he didn't even remember going to. If Jordan found his way home then how did he even end up in that schizo's bed? Most importantly, why did he still feel his hands on his body. When he zoned back in Jordan was still going on.

Jordan still paced briskly back and forth, "He could know where we live, Cyan!" He threw he arms up in the air. His locs were also going on all shorts of directions because of his dramatics.

"I always give you my wallet, Jordan? How is going to find me if he doesn't even know my address?" Jordan was always the more responsible of the two and when they went out they had distinctive jobs. Jordan held the wallets and Cyan let him. It worked for them.

It was also Jordan's idea to share their locations with each other constantly. Jordan saved his ass a bunch of times thanks to that little Apple feature.

Jordan scoffed and rolled his eyes at Cyan, "Like that's ever stopped a psycho murderer before. Second of all, how do we know he didn't nab it from pocket, look at it, then put it back!?" Did he just say nab?

All the different ways this could've ended played over and over in Jordan's head. While Cyan's mind was somewhere else.

"How'd you get home again?" Cyan asked.

"I don't even know. I thought I drank too much but now that I'm thinking about I didn't wake up with a hangover..." Jordan trailed off. He was stumped. Usually he got a hangover every time he blacked out but this time, no hangover?

"We're not going out for a while?" Cyan said more like a question then a statement.

Jordan nodded in agreement as they both needed time to recover, "Especially not to a fucking club like that again."

"Fuck no. I don't even remember the fucking name."

"Nah, now that I remember," Jordan snapped his finger, "The Claw. Genie told me about it like last week."

Cyan groaned and dropped his head against his pillow. Fucking Genie. Was Jordan fucking stupid?

"What?" Jordan said when he saw Cyan's weird reaction. What was wrong with Genie?

"You know that fucking girl hates me, J. She probably knew she was sending us to some sketchy place."

Jordan shook his head, "No way. She hates you, but she loves me," He pointed his finger between them, "I don't think she'd do that if she knew I'd be with you. No offense." Cyan was the one that broke her heart, not Jordan.

Cyan didn't believe that for a second. Genie never let an opportunity to hurt Cyan pass. That fucking redheaded devil. If you let that girl tell it Cyan ate her heart and spit it out, but really all he did was ghost her after weeks of mindless hooking up. Which was a reasonable time frame he thought, too.

How'd she even know about this place if he didn't. When they dated he was the partier not her. Hell, she barely left her fucking bedroom but now she was club promoting? He didn't fucking think so.

He pulled up Google on his phone and typed in the club's name. Cyan clicked the first link he saw which just happened to be the clubs official website.

He furrowed his eyebrows when a 404 error came up instead. The website was down apparently and looked to have been for a while. This was proving to be even more sketchy.

"What a coincidence," He scoffed. Cyan locked his phone back and threw it away from him. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the headboard.

Cyan felt different. Not a good different or bad different, just different.

"Maybe, I'm just hungry." He mumbled to himself, "We should order pizza or something." He said aloud to Jordan.

Jordan stared at his friend in disbelief, "Yes, let's invite more strangers to know where we live." He said sarcastically.

Jordan clearly forgot what he looked like. He was huge and Cyan was sure he could stomp on whatever puny 16 year old kid they sent to their apartment. Also, was Jordan the one forced to run from a man naked or was it him?

Neither of them moved until finally Cyan raised off of his bed, "Fine. I'll just go get it."

"I don't even think that's smart either. You have no fucking survival skills, Cyan. How the fuck did you make it to twenty-one."

"Bet. Just for this I'm putting mushrooms on it."

Jordan looked at him in horror, "Please, no mushrooms." Cyan smirked at him evilly. Oh, he was definitely putting mushrooms on it now.

Cyan could've walked to the pizza place but when he realized it was getting dark outside he grabbed the car keys. Jordan's worrying words had started to seep into his own mind. Also carrying back two boxes of pizza wasn't smart in itself.

What made it worse was that all his thought were going back to Killan and not in fearful way. What did he mean he almost Cyan once? What the fuck had happened. Clearly, Jordan didn't remember. Was he already in danger when Killan found him? He really didn't know anything and yet he wanted to know everything. And the only person that could tell him everything was Killan.

"Fucking Killan." Cyan cussed. Now he felt like he was the going insane. Was he seriously thinking about finding the man that almost killed him this morning? He didn't even know where the house even was or where the club was anymore.

He shook of those thoughts while he turned up the radio. He let the sounds of R&B drown out his thoughts.

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