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Aurora -

My mate just dropped on me. No. Please wake up. Please don't die.

I try to bring Castiel up but he is very heavy. I turn to see some of the members coming towards us.

When they got close enough their faces turned in disgust when they smelled me. That look of disgust is because you are a rogue.

The men that came to help us took Castiel away from me. I was saddened by that but I got a hold of myself.

" You did this. You hurt the prince". One of the men said

" I have no know idea who this prince is but you have wrong Castiel is my mate. He protected m-"

I was unable to finish my sentence due that I was slapped so hard I hit the ground.

" The prince having a rogue for a mate. As if! Knowing you most likely brought the other male rouges that you are screwing to attack the prince. Guards! Take this rogue bitch down to the cells where she will await for the king."

The king? What is happening? I was forcibly taken by two men and was brought down to the cells. They throw me hard. I heard them laughing at me.

" Just wait until the king comes and end's you".

They left and the whole place become dark. I tried to stay awake but it fail. I curled myself into a ball and I was out like a light.

I was awoke up by yelling. Then the door was opened up showing a very large man, like a beast. The power he had coming off of him was very intimidating to say the very least.

" This is her?" The man spoke

" Yes my king. This is her. The prince has not woke up yet. The doctor's are trying to stop the prince from slipping in a coma."

I whimper from the news about Castiel. Why is luck is never on my side. On top of that, the king is staring at me like I will die soon.

The king gets down to face me through the cell.

" Listen here rogue. I am going to make you pay for hurting my brother. And the punishment is going to be profoundly horrible."

" I didn't do anything. He is my mate" I say back to the king

" SHUT UP!" the king roared

Making me jump so very badly.

" Let the punishment start. Open the cell. Get the whips."

Shit. Whips. No. Please save me.

1 hour later

Aurora was chained to the wall, they had cuffed silver to her wrists and feet. Also putting one around her neck. Her back was a bleeding mess from the whip. The whip was silver as well.

When the King had the whip, he made sure there was damage done to her back. In one of his blows the whip had got her face. Each pack member that was there had a turn.

This went for a while. Almost everyday Aurora was beaten up, hurt that no one believed her. To find a mate that wanted her but a good chance that he would die and she would be alone again. She didn't want that.

They gave her wolfsbane and silver in her blood steam making sure she stayed hurt. They never feed her one bit. Aurora was dying that was for a fact. But luckily Castiel woke up, his wounds all healed.

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