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Waking up I see that I am in my room. I look for my mate but she is no. Maybe she is walking around the pack. Or my brother is trying to get her stay. That bring a smile to my face I get out of the bed and get myself dressed.

Making my way down everyone saw me.

" The prince is awake!" Someone shouted

I am trying to look for my love but I don't see her.

" About time you woke up. I was starting to worry" my brother said

We hug each other.

" I'm fine. Nothing I couldn't handle."

" That is what I said. But none of them believed me" my sister spoke up.

" Where is my mate" I look at my brother.

" She right over there." My brother said. And I see Grace Norwood.

I furrowed my eyes together. I turn myself back around to my brother.

" No. My mate. My real mate. The one that brought here."

Everyone was silent now. My father stepped forward.

" Son what are you talking about. That rogue is responsible for getting you hurt." My father said

" Getting me hurt?! She did nothing to me. There was other rogues there, I protected my mate from getting hurt. Now where is my mate!"

No one answered me but I connected eyes with peter, the assistant cook of the kitchens. His eyes looked down a few times making me understand where she was. I look at my brother with such dislike right now.

I make my way down to the cells ending finding my mate bloody and broken.

I let out a vicious growl that shook the whole house. I was done with everything and everyone. This was the last straw. I went to my mate and carefully put her into my arms. She was so tiny now, she weighted like nothing. I force myself not to cry. Leaving the cells walking outside to my car. I place my mate in the passenger seat, kissing her forehead.

" brother. Come back inside. We will talk, all of us. While "she" is getting treated." My brother said

" No."

" No?" My brother said

" You heard me. No. I am done. I am done with this. Having everything planned for me. Chosing what I can and can't do, finding me a whore! That only wants power. Even more so on what you did to my mate. So no, I am done. Screw you all". I get into my car and drive off the pack lands with my love.

" Don't worry my love. I am here now. I am going to take of you. That is my promise, my oath."


" Jasper! You are the king making your brother came back! The former queen said to her older son.

" Mother. Everything will be fine. He just needs some time alone, he will come around. Besides I control his money". Jasper said

Penelope looks at her son like he didn't care. She left Jasper walking back inside where her Theseus followed after her.

" Are you sure he will come back?" The princess said.

" Yes. I am sure" Jasper said

(Castiel's car )

(Castiel's car )

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