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Aurora -

Erin and I are in the bathroom getting ready. Apparently Erin found out a club a little ways from here.

I was able to get someone to watch over my son while we were out for the night, much to my dismay. When it came to roman I did not want to leave his side. Other than that what if Castiel finds out that I left the house when he told me to stay home. Oh lord. I am full of worry.

However Erin was over the moon that she was able to leave and go to a club. As of right now I am standing still while Erin does my hair. At this moment in time I am not happy with her because she making me wear a dress that is showing everything I have.

" Aurora please smile, you look hot". Erin said

" I am not comfortable showing my body like this."

" Well tonight you are".

We made our way out of the house with being noticed by anyone. Erin hopped into a car while I sat in the passenger seat. She plugged in the directions to the club. Erin had this huge grin on her face, where I was happy to see my friend happy but in the back of my mind something is going to happen.


An hour later

I get back the bar table asking for some water, no way in hell I am getting drunk at a club that I do not know of. And I also have to be sober to get Erin out the club.

And thank goodness that the bartender is a wolf, just hoping that he does not know Castiel nor the king. I sure as hell don't want to be caught by my husband. That won't end well.

Getting out of my thoughts of that I watch Erin dancing on the floor as she was in her own world, it was good to see her cut loose. But that changed when I saw a man come up behind her grabbing her waist. Oh crap, I put my drink down going onto the floor to grab Erin so we can leave the club. But the bad thing was Erin was really drunk and she was not fighting that man.

I had to pull her with me but that failed and that man yelled at me to " Back off".

Yelling over the loud music I yell at the man. " She is the alpha king's mate". In an instant he dropped her and started to back away from her.

" Thank you for telling me" he said over the loud music

He was about to leave until Erin started to yell at him and at me. Saying that she wanted him but the poor guy already left. Then she turned her anger at me. I was trying to get out of the club she she pushed me with enough force I hit the ground. I was fine, but just shocked that my friend did that to me.

But Erin went on, where she torn into me. And that she wants to be freed and other crap. She even went to far about saying she wants to be with other men. Going to far when she talked about me more.

" It was going just fine on the d-dance floor but you ruined it. Why do you always ruin things, you were weak before you lost your wolf but NOW you are an pathetic human..that made lose a fu-" Erin was saying but was cut off by a loud growl.

My eyes connected to the growl seeing that it was jasper and his friends. My eyes followed the group and landed on Castiel. In long strides Jasper grabbed Erin and they left the club within an hurry. Castiel grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the club. We went back home, the whole ride was dead quiet.

Once home I walk to our room while Castiel was behind me. I sat down the bed looking down at the ground.

" I am sorry" I said lowly

Hearing Castiel walk closer to me, he kneeled down to face me.

" I know that you are. I saw that you were trying to be a friend to Erin. But she needs to be Jasper so the mating bond can take place. I will not lie, I was mad with you when I found out where you were, but seeing you in this dress kind of switch my feelings a bit. But I stop becoming mad when I listened on what Erin said to you. That is harsh enough punishment for anyone.

But baby, please don't take what she said to heart. She is angry and she took it out on you."

After my talk with Castiel we went to bed that night hoping that the next day would be better.

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