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Castiel -

Fighting against those feral rogues with my brother and pack along with my sons could not be greater.

Of course I will always be there to keep my sons safe when harm comes their way. But during this fight I am a proud father. Seeing my sons fight as one never losing their training.

I have to give these rogues some credit on the energy they have. How they kept fighting but no worries I will end that.

Hours later the battle has stop and we have won. The whole pack field is covered with feral rogues. I am not sure if we lost any of our men. Shifting back into my human form looking around, these rogues never stood a chance.

Seeing Jasper shifting back into his human with his sons by his side and mine soon followed.

" These rogues never stood a chance" Ellis said

" Well done, all of you. All of you fought yourself, your loved ones, your pack. And I could not be more proud to call you my pack. Now let us take the bodies to burn, check the points, get our loves back into our arms. When that is all done, a grand feast will happen due to all of you and to the loyal towards this pack."

Cheering went thought out the whole pack. Jasper started to walk over to me giving me a hug.

" Well done little brother"

" Not bad old man" I say back to him

" I am not old. But come on let us get our woman." Jasper said as we walk to the bunker

I am more than ready to have my love back into my arms specially after a long fight like today.

Getting to the bunker door the warriors handed me and Jasper some shorts and we go down the stairs.

" no worries everyone. All is well, you can lea-" Jasper started but stopped when he saw Erin holding Aurora in her arms. And that Aurora was truly pale.

Castiel ran to her gathering Aurora into his arms.

" Aurora!" Castiel shouted

But nothing happened, Aurora was unconscious. Castiel took Aurora into his arms and he went to the pack wing, the doctors saw Aurora and they took her from Castiel's arms so they can start on helping her.

Castiel never left the pack wing, his sons heard that their mother was hurt so they ran to the pack wing.

" Dad? What happened to mother?" David said

" She got hurt by one of those rogues. She is getting treated right now as I speak. You boys go home, clean yourself up. Rest. I will keep you updated on your mother" Castiel said.

The boys did not want to leave but they respected their father's words and what he wanted.

After an hour the doctors called Castiel that the surgery went well and that Aurora was now resting. Castiel made his way to her bed. Smiling a little bit he lead down giving her a ghostly kiss on her lips then taking her hand into his.

He stayed their until she would wake up.

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