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Aurora -

Getting up this morning I am determined to find out more about this growing war between us and the feral rogues.

" Before you get out of this house, dress warm. It's cold!" Hearing Castiel shouting from downstairs.

Pulling out my phone to check the weather and damn it, he's right.

Jumping from the bed I go to the bathroom to start my morning routine. Taking no time at all I was ready. When I came downstairs Castiel and my sons were gone but I saw a full plate of food. Seeing a letter on the table,

" please eat. And I will see you soon my love. I love you"

Taking my place at the table I dig into my plate. Enjoying each bit of the food, once I was done I placed the dish inside the sink and made my way outside. Once I was outside I had a chill. Thank goodness I chose the right set of clothes today.

I started to walk towards Jasper and Erin's home

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I started to walk towards Jasper and Erin's home. When I got close enough I saw the guards outside of the house with huge scared looks on their faces.

It all came into full picture when I had Erin cussing and saw her throw things inside the house. Oh lord. Jasper was trying to calm Erin down but nothing was really working. Until Jasper saw me and he was pointing to me to get inside. And that he needs my help to calm Erin down.

Shit. I'm human and when she gets mad, she breaks things....and people. I slowly come inside where Erin turns around smelling me she runs to me and embracing me into her. Shit. That hurt.

It took a while to get Erin to calm down but between me and Jasper we were able to. And also Jasper took Erin upstairs for a bang session, I waited outside for that. Gross. When they were done they came out of the house. And Jasper stood in front of me.

" Thank you" he said

" No problem."

" Castiel told me that he told you about the feral rogues and the possibility of a war."

" Yes. He did. And I told him if that comes to happen, I want to help out in anyway".

" He told that too. I appreciate that , I do. But Aurora you are my brothers mate, mother to my nephews. These rogues would tear you apart, even more so that you are human. I can't leave you nor Erin in the open. You two will be in the bunker where it is safe."

I knew deep down that Jasper was right. What can I do? And besides I never came across a feral rogue before. If I have to be in the bunker so be it. Just my family better make out alive.

After leaving Jasper to tend to other business I just walked around the pack enjoying the cool air. But I stop in the middle the pack park because I had this feeling in my bones that something was wrong. And then my feelings were right, the alarm for the pack went off. The sounds of it was blasting through the whole pack. Once there was silence and now the silence became screams. To everyone running all over the place.

The feral rogues are here.

War has started.

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