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Aurora -

As I was Castiel after dinner, I knew he wanted to have sex and I could not turn that down. But as things got heavy I felt something strange. That is when I knew my water broke.

When I said those words Castiel's was utter shock. Then he took action. He started to grab bags from the closet then he made his way towards me, picking me up and carrying me out the door. Taking a detour around to get to the medical wing. Castiel shouted for Doctor Andrew where he came running around the corner seeing us both. He snapped his fingers so I can have a bed. I needed a bed so Doctor Andrew can see where I am at in the dilation.

" I see that she is at the right dilation. He need to get my things so we can start. Castiel, should have told you this before. Since your mate is human now she most like carrying a werewolf gene child, her delivering this child can possibly kill her. So I want you to have that in mine if anything goes wrong" Doctor Andrew said to Castiel.

I heard every word that he said, I don't want that. I want to be around for son, possibly more children with Castiel. I try to keep the tears at bay and I tune everything out.

15 minutes later

Aurora was in the bed pushing everything she got in her while Castiel was behind her. Both of their hands joined in together, Aurora had sweat all over her forehead. She is extremely tired of it all, Doctor Andrew yelled out " One more Push!" to Aurora.

Aurora screamed loudly with tears going down her face then she stopped. Everything was replaced with sounds of a baby. Castiel saw his son. His son. In no time Castiel started to cry along with everyone else that was in the room.

The nurses checked and cleaned the baby then gave the baby to his parents.

" I am so proud of you my love." Castiel kissed Aurora's head.

But things took a turn for the worse. The machines that were connected to Aurora, the heart monitor started to drop. Doctor Andrew came over to check on her.

" Her heart is failing. Get the cart!"

" What's happening!" Castiel shouted

No one spoke a word. All of the nurses and Doctor Andrew were giving CPR to Aurora. But nothing was working. Where Doctor Andrew stopped what he was doing, Aurora had died. But Castiel was not going to take that as an answer. He marched over.

" No. No. You are not leaving me. I can not does this without you, won't. You are my other half, I need you. Our son needs you."

Castiel spoke those words with tears going down his face. Castiel moved Aurora's hair out of the way. Castiel grew out his canines and remarked her on her neck. But this mark was different from before. This mark was much deep between their union, like their souls were locked together. Everyone in the room watched with holding breathe waiting, hoping that she will wake up.

And that she did. Castiel broke out in more tears than before and held Aurora close to him as if she would disappear again from him.

Jasper walked over to the two and hugged them both. And Jasper placed the baby into Aurora's arms.

" I don't ever scare me like that again" Castiel said at Aurora.

" what name did you guys chose?" Jasper asked.

" We chose on a few if it was a boy. So he is my son, Roman Theseus Isaiah Davenport" Castiel said

All smiled in the room. And everyone getting the new parents then leaving them to have some peace and quiet on their own. Along with rest they deserve it, more so Aurora.

Castiel had his arms wrapped around Aurora and Aurora was holding their son in her arms as both of them went to sleep in the medical wing.

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