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{I literally found this gif after I wrote this chapter and its basically perfect this is amazing}

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{I literally found this gif after I wrote this chapter and its basically perfect this is amazing}

        Techno's pencil tapped impatiently on his desk as he wiggled it between his pointer and middle finger. His eyebrows furrowed as he continuously looked at his screen, he couldn't seem to stay focused long enough to comprehend his work in front of him, as his mind kept drifting back to the deep-purple haired girl he had met days prior.

The sound of a thud pulled him out of his thoughts as he looked at the area where his pencil had hit the wall after he unknowingly slung it from his hands. A frustrated sigh left his lips as he put his head down, running his hands through his curls.

After a moment of thinking Techno shut his PC off, standing up to grab his wallet and put in his shoes, heading out.

⋱ ↠ ⋨ ❦ ⋩ ↞ ⋰

Cars whizzed past Techno, some giving a draft that would temporarily push his curls to the side as he stood waiting for the sign to tell him he could walk.

As the "W A L K" sign flashed green, indicating it was okay to pass, the 6'2 man walked rather quickly across the street, not wanting to tempt fate by meandering along.

The cool air hit Techno's face the instant he walked through the automatic doors. The beeping sounds of people checking out, the squeaking of carts that always seemed to have one bad wheel, and talking of customers seemed to clash together, it was the horrendous song of a supermarket.

Techno shuffled to the cold isle, his eyes scanning the shelves. He stopped when he spotted the cheese sticks, grabbing a pack of twelve and immediately heading to check out.

Techno may be an atheist, but he couldn't help but thank god for self checkouts. He just didn't have the energy for human interaction today. Well, with the special exclusion of a certain someone, who he was secretly hoping to get to interact with for a second time.

⋱ ↠ ⋨ ❦ ⋩ ↞ ⋰

A smile graced Techno's face as his eyes fell upon familiar purple hair, this time tied into a somewhat loose ponytail. Walking over he sat beside the girl, a sage green bento box separating them.

"Hallo again" Techno said, looking over to the girl who was sitting criss cross, a bag of fish food pebbles rest in her lap.

She turned towards Techno and smiled brightly, giving a happy wave. Techno smiled back in return before reaching into his pocket and holding out a cheese stick to the girl.

"Since it was sorta my fault your other one because fish food"

The girl smiled even brighter and took the cheese stick. Quickly she opened the box between them and grabbed out a notepad and pen. Flipping to a new page she quickly scribbled something before showing it to Techno.

Thank you (*^^*)

Techno chuckled softly at the drawn face. He pondered a moment, thinking of how to ask his question without sounding rude. Noticing his furrowed eyebrows and him picking at his nails the girl wrote something else down before showing him again.

You're wondering how to ask me why I am not speaking, when i'm clearly not deaf

Techno's face contorted to one of nervousness. "Am I that obvious?"

The girl nodded her head in response

Don't worry, everyone is obvious when it comes to that question.

Techno chuckled softly and watched the girl begin scribbling again, her hand moving fastly across the page

I am mute, not deaf. Very long story haha...

Techno read and nodded his head in understanding.

"So do you have to write for everyone you want to communicate with?"

Not all, some of the people close to me know ASL, and I can use that to "speak" with them

"A-S-L, American Sign Language?" Techno asked, receiving an excited nod from the girl in response.

Techno made an slight "o" shape with his mouth, before turning to stare at the grass. After a minute of silence Techno's view of the grass became interrupted with the shove of a notepad in front of him.


Techno turned to face the girl, who now holding half a sandwhich out to him. The inside was filled with a thick white filling amd halves of strawberries.

Techno graciously accepted, curious about the sandwhich. When he took a bite he turned towards the girl, eyes wide in surprise.

"Is this just cool whip and strawberries?"

The girl giggled and nodded her head in response as the man beside her shook his head.

"This is so unhealthy! Why are you eatting just sugar for lunch?!"

The girl's giggles turned to laughs at the man's teasing antics, as he failed to hide a smile at her laugh.

After their laughter died down the girl caught a glimpse of the pink watch that sat on her wrist and gasped. Quickly she scribbled something onto a page and ripped it out, shoving it in Techno's hands before taking off running down the stone path.

Gotta rush!! Catch you later Techno

Greek Tragedy  |  Technoblade x mute! ocWhere stories live. Discover now