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After they ate Wilbur went to go get Ranboo from the airport, Niki, Tommy and Tubbo joining. Phil drove himself, Techno, George and Kioshi back to the airbnb.

They decided they would take the rest of the day to rest around the house since tomorrow Wilbur had a busy day for them planned.

Phil went to set up his streaming equipment so he could stream and George went to go take a nap. Techno and Kioshi were sitting in the living room watching a documentary about deers.

"are you sleepy?" Techno asked, turning to the girl who was rubbing her eyes.

Kioshi hesitated before nodding and Techno turned the television off, standing up and reaching a hand out to her.

"come on i'll walk you to your room" He said and she reluctantly took his hand as they walked down the hallway silently.

Techno stopped in front of her and Niki's door, which was right across from his and Wilbur's.

"Go sleep nerd" Techno said after turning towards her and letting go of her hand.

Kioshi sleepily wrapped Techno into a hug, with him reappropriating the gesture. Techno relaxed into the warmth, not wanting to pull away.

"okay if you don't let go now I don't think i'll let you" Techno chuckled, fully aware he wasn't joking.

Kioshi just held tighter, making a burst of warmth wash over him as he realized she didn't want to let go either.

Techno debated for a moment before sighing and muttering "screw it" as he pulled away and grabbed Kioshi's hand, pulling her into his room where they laid on his bed, wrapped in each others arms.

Kioshi buried her head into Techno's chest and wrapped her arms around his torso. Techno wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulling her closer as if she might slip through his arms.

⋱ ↠ ⋨ ❦ ⋩ ↞ ⋰

Wilbur and Niki were on their way back from the airport.

"Do you think he knows?" Wilbur asked, referring to Techno.

"Can you be in love and not realize?" Niki pondered

"I don't know..." Wilbur said, thinking.

"Should we tell him?" Niki asked

Wilbur shook his head "No, he'll probably either deny to us and himself and end up closing up."

Niki nodded, knowing Wilbur was right "yea, this is something he has to figure out himself."

"Butttttt...." Wilbur said, stretching the "t"

"That doesn't mean we can't push him in the right direction" He continued, mischievousness laced in his voice as he grinned at Niki.

Niki grinned back, her eyes twinkling "I like the way you think Wil"

They sat silently plotting for a few moments before Niki gasped.

"We forgot the boys at the airport!" She said looking at the empty back seat"

"oh fuck!" Wilbur said turning the car around.

⋱ ↠ ⋨ ❦ ⋩ ↞ ⋰

"I still believe you arseholes left us at the airport" Tommy exclaimed as they walked through the doors of the airbnb.

Wilbur groaned "can you let it go already?"

Phil came down the hall and laughed at the tired expression on Wilbur's face. "I know that look, what happened"

"Wilbur left us by ourselves in an airport! Took the car and everything!" Tommy said, pointing towards the other boy.

"It was an accident!" Wilbur said defensively

"That doesn't make it any better!!" Tommy said, his voice raising higher.

Tubbo and Ranboo just laughed at the two before Tubbo turned towards the taller boy. "Come on bossman i'll help you unpack in our room" He said grabbing one of his bags.

"Thanks bo" Ranboo said smiling

"Why can't you two be more like Tubbo and Ranboo" Phil said at the two bickering boys, making Tommy scoff.

"Me and Wilbur are clearly superior I mean we're like brother's." Tommy stated

"Don't say that I will cry"

"Where's Kioshi?" Niki asked, coming back from down the hallway. "She's not in our room"

Wilbur looked at her confused "Wait really? Hang on let me go ask Techno"

He walked down the hallway and opened the door to his and Techno's shared room. "Hey we can't find Ki-" he stopped mid-sentence looking at the scene in front of him.

"What did he say?" Niki asked as Wilbur walked out the room.

Instead of answering Wilbur just motioned for Niki to go to him, holding a finger to his lips. Niki curiously walked over and Wilbur said "shh" quietly before slowly opening the door, Niki peaking inside.

When she saw what Wilbur was talking about she gasped and looked at Wilbur with wide eyes, who proceeded to shut the door.

"did you see that?!" Niki whispered excitedly as Wilbur nodded his head.

"Okay okay let's calmly walk back to the living room and act like nothing happened" Wilbur said and Niki tried to staighten up, attempting to hold back a smile.

"Did you find her?" Phil asked as the two walked back into the living.

Wilbur and Niki glanced at each other hesitantly and nervously.

"uhh, yea turns out she actually was in our room asleep" Niki said smiling and Phil just nodded, everyone buying it as Niki and Wilbur let out a quiet breath of relief.

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