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Kioshi sleepily fluttered her eyes open, attempting to pull away from whatever was wrapped around her but it just held her tighter.

Kioshi moved her head to look up at Techno's sleeping face. She admired how peaceful and calm he looked.

Kioshi snaked her arm from around his torso to his face, softly outlining his features. Techno's eyes groggily opened and he looked at Kioshi, a soft blush spreading on his cheeks from how close they were and the soft feeling of her hand on his face.

"good morning" Techno said softly, his voice slightly deeper than normal due to just waking up.

Kioshi pulled herself from Techno's grasp, much to his dismay. He frowned as he watched the girl stand up, stretching her arms above her messy hair.

Techno followed in pursuit, standing and stretching before walking to the door. When he opened the door he saw Mr.Saito. Panicking he discreetly and softly pushed Kioshi back and closed the door, Kioshi inside the room and Techno out.

He greeted Mr.Saito with a silent wave and waited until he passed to open the door again. When he opened the door a grumpy looking Kioshi was standing on the other side, her arms crossed. Techno attempted to not laugh at the sight, giving an apologetic smile.

Techno and Kioshi walked into the main area where everyone was. Looking outside they saw it was dark and the clock on the wall read "11:23pm"

"Did you two have a good nap?" Wilbur asked with a knowing smirk, being the first to notice them.

Kioshi seemed to miss Wilbur's smirk as she simply nodded and sat beside Niki, resting her head against the girl, still sleepy.

"Hallo Ranboo" Techno greeted as he sat in between Phil and Wilbur.

At the mention of Ranboo's name Kioshi shoot up, all sleep leaving her. Her eyes landed on the boy who was standing behind a couch and she jumped up, running over to the couch and standing on it, wrapping Ranboo into a hug.

Some chuckled at Kioshi's sudden awakeness and Ranboo looked amused, hugging the girl back. Kioshi let go and ruffled his hair before hopping back over to Niki.

"She didn't look that happy to see me" Tommy grumbled making everyone laugh.

After around an hour of them just talking Phil spoke up, "We should all probably go to bed, theres a lot planned for tomorrow"

Everyone agreed and went off to their respective bedrooms, drifting into a slumber.

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Kioshi woke up to Niki lightly shaking her

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Kioshi woke up to Niki lightly shaking her. When she finally opened her eyes Niki smiled.

"Wanna make muffins?" Niki asked and Kioshi's eyes widened as she nodded and jumped out of bed.

Niki and Kioshi quietly ran down the hallway, giggling amongst themselves.

"We should stream this" Niki said smiling and Kioshi nodded in agreement.

While Niki set up stream Kioshi got out all the ingredients, making a mental note to thank Phil for shopping later.

"Hi stream!" Niki said quietly "Today i'm making muffins with Kioshi!"

Kioshi waved to the camera smiling.

"Everyone's saying we should get Badboyhalo on call" Niki said turning to Kioshi who just smiled and shrugged. "Okay chat we can try"

After a few rings Bad picked up "Hey bad! Niki greeted quietly "Kioshi and I were wondering if you'd like to hang out while we bake muffins on stream!"

"Ooohh! I would love to!" Bad said, pulling up the stream so he could watch while talking to them.

Kioshi gasped while searching through the pantry, turning around to show chat and Niki and Bad a bag of chocolate chips.

Niki giggled at the girl "add some into the batter!"

Kioshi grabbed a knife from the cabinet to open the bag. Techno walked in to see Kioshi struggling with the knife, it dangerously close to her fingers.

"woah woah woah!" he exclaimed running over and grabbing the knife from her. Luckily his face was out of view from the camera.

"Techno don't duck or chat will see your face" Niki said and Techno nodded

Techno finished opened the bag and handed into to Kioshi. "Im keeping this" he said referring to the knife.

Techno walked behind the counter, sitting on a stool behind the camera watching Kioshi and Niki.

Kioshi tipped the bag slightly, chocolate chips going into the batter.

"Don't use the whole bag silly muffin!!" Bad exclaimed from the call, catching Techno's attention.

Niki laughed and gently grabbed the bag from Kioshi so that she wouldn't actually use the whole bag.

Niki started mixing the batter together while Kioshi watched and Techno scrolled through twitter. #muffintrio was already trending.

After they finished the muffins and ended stream they set them out for everyone to eat once they woke up.

Greek Tragedy  |  Technoblade x mute! ocWhere stories live. Discover now