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I love this feeling,

                     but I hate this part

                     but I hate this part

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'italics with ' is thoughts'

"italics with quotes is sign language"

"Kioshi wait!" Techno called running in the direction the girl ran to.

However when he got out the door he didn't see her anywhere. Panicking he searched around, looking for his dark purple haired friend anywhere.

Techno ran towards the direction of the pond, hoping she'd be there. He only slowed down when he heard sniffling nearby. Walking closer around the trees he found Kioshi with her knees up to her chest, face buried in her hands.

Techno kneeled in front her, carefully removing her hands from her face. Kiosho looked up at Techno with tears streaming down her face.

"what did I do wrong?" Techno asked in a soft and broken voice that made Kioshi's heart shatter.

"i-i" Kioshi sputtered out, voice hoarse and raspy from not being used.

Kioshi began to sob more at the failed attempt of speaking and Techno moved to sit beside her wordlessly, wrapping one arm around her back and pulling her close to him.

Kioshi leaned against Techno's shoulder crying until her sobs turned into hiccuping whimpers.

"do you want to talk about it?" Techno asked softly as Kioshi sat up and off his shoulder.

With hesitate hands Kioshi grabbed her notebook and started writing, Techno reading along as she wrote.

I dont want you to pity me, I don't want you to see me differently from every one else

I don't want you to defend me because i'm mute and "helpless"

Techno cupped Kioshi's face and turned it to face him.

"I've never seen you as helpless. But to me you'll always be different than everyone else. In  a good way"

Techno's eyes flickered down to Kioshi's lips briefly.

'is now really the time?'

A blush spread across Kioshi's face and her breath hitched when she saw Techno's eyes on her lips.

"Kioshi?" a voice called from afar, Kioshi gasping before getting up in a hurry and gathering her things together.

"Who-" Techno started to question but Kioshi frantically threw her hand over his mouth shaking her head 'no' in a panic.

Kioshi gave Techno a quick hug before taking off down the stone path she always took when she left. Techno watched in confusion, surely going to question her the next day.

⋱ ↠ ⋨ ❦ ⋩ ↞ ⋰

Three days had passed since Techno had seen Kioshi. They would normally meet at the pond every day, but when Techno would show up and wait Kioshi never came.

'perhaps she was grounded? I mean she's 19 can she get grounded? Does she even live with her parents?'

The more Techno began to question the more he realized he knew nothing about her home life.

'maybe she's avoiding me because I almost kissed her...'

The more time that passed the more Techno began to worry. He finally decided he would take the stone path, hopefully leading to her house... and apologize.

The more down the path he walked the more he began to think he should just turn back, yet he kept going.

After a few minutes the path revealed a large cabin, secluded in the woods and three stories high. Techno took a deep before knocking on the door.

After a minute he was getting ready to turn around and leave before the door opened to reveal an older guy, dressed in a suit.

"Uh-uhm hallo..." Techno stuttered awkwardly "Does Kioshi Ishii live here?"

The man raised an grey eyebrow at Techno.

"Yes. But she is on house arrest, for what I reckon you to be the cause for." The older, yet somewhat shorter, man said bluntly.

Techno looked down in sheepish embarrassment, as though he was getting scolded by his mother.

Suddenly out the corner of his eye saw Kioshi come into view and he perked up immediately, the girl looking at him in shock before giving a wide smile and waving excitedly.

The old man turned to the girl and started moving his hands in a pattern, one of which Techno guessed was sign language, a language he did not know.

"really? a boy?" The older man signed

"a friend, Mr.Saito" Kioshi signed back, putting emphasis on the "friend" sign.

Kioshi turned back to Techno, giving him another wave. Techno smiled back.

"Sorry to just come unannounced, I got worried" Techno said sheepishly.

Kioshi gave a shrug as if to tell him it was okay.

"he hasn't learned any signs?! how do you communicate?!" Mr.Saito signed scolding as Kioshi scoffed,

"my ears work perfectly fine"

"but your voice does not"

Then Mr.Saito gasped, pulling the attention of Kioshi and Techno.

"Kioshi Aiya Ishii!! Do not tell me this boy is the reason for your sudden interest in speech therapy!!!" Mr.Saito scolded, choosing to audibly speak this time instead of sign.

Kioshi's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and Techno looked at her with his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

"Oh ho ho when Master Taro finds out you best believe-!" Mr.Saito began to scold before Kioshi began to shake her head 'no' and signing.

"no no no please! Don't tell dad!!" Kioshi signed in desperation.

"I'm sorry to interrupt" Techno began, "but please don't let her get into any more trouble than she is, I doubt it's for me rather than just her own interest as I had no idea she was even interested in speech therapy. Im really sorry to intrude like this, i'll be leaving know" Techno bidded before walking back down the path, a lot on his mind.

Greek Tragedy  |  Technoblade x mute! ocWhere stories live. Discover now