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I wanna be your favorite boy

"Okay me and George are going to pick up Clay and Bad, we'll meet you guys at the place!" Wilbur said before walking out the door with George

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"Okay me and George are going to pick up Clay and Bad, we'll meet you guys at the place!" Wilbur said before walking out the door with George.

"Alright who's riding with me?" Phil asked as he grab his car keys, dangling them.

"Me and Kioshi" Techno piped up unconsciously grabbing Kioshi's hand.

"I'll go too" Ranboo said

"me too!!" Karl said excitedly

"So Odette, Nick, Tubbo, and Tommy with me?" Niki asks and the mentioned people answer with a nod or a "yes"

"Lets go!!" Karl said excitedly running out the door.

When they arrived to they place Wilbur, George, Clay, and Bad were already there. Everyone rushed up to greet Clay and Bad, hugs being exchanged. Kioshi let go of Techno's hand to rush up and hug Bad.

"Kioshi!! Hello little muffin!!" Bad gasped hugging the girl back.

"Oh Kioshi! I look forward to killing you tomorrow" Clay saying jokingly, greeting the girl.

"Are we ready?" Wilbur asked gesturing to the haunted escape house.

They walked inside, signed in and started on the first room. Clay immediately started hurrying around the room, trying to find clues so that they could beat the record.

"Today, the Dreamsmp makes escape rooms one thousand percent funnier!" Tommy exclaims whie vlogging

"Today, we coded it so that when we miss the time mark we die!" Tubbo said mockingly

"Odette!!" Nick exclaimed and Odette bursted into a fit of laughter behind a Jason mask she found.

"You should've seen your face!!" She said between laughs

"I was thinking we could do a baking stream, irl muffintrio type thing" Bad said talking to Kioshi

Kioshi nodded her head excitedly and Techno frowned slightly.

'she seems excited to hang out with him, does she ever get that excited to hang out with me?' He asked himself.

"GUYS!" Clay yelled "We have five minutes before the pysco comes with the hatchet!!"

"Oh the button to open the door is underneath that skull" Techno said casually

"whAt?!" Clay exclaimed running over and pressing the button, then the door swung open, grabbing everyones attention.

Clay rushed through first, working on the next puzzle. Kioshi tapped on Techno's arm and he turned to look at her, his face softening when he saw her bright smile.

"so smart" She signed genuinely making Techno's smile widen.

"I know" He said shrugging with a smile before continuing to the next room, a new found determination to complete clues.

"AHHH FUCK YOU" Tommy yelled punching a jack in the box that popped out at him making everyone laugh.

"Tommy just got scared by a toy?? Let's go?" Karl said giggling before screaming because Odette scared him with the same Jason mask she scared Nick with

"Yea eat your words bitch" Tommg grumbled making everyone laugh more.

"Wanna make a bet Kioshi?" Techno asked turning to the girl who looked at him curiously

"I bet the clues are that bookmark in that book over there, itll have a scrambled code that you use to unlock the lock on the briefcase that will have a key in it that unlocks the door"

Kioshi looked at him, mouth agape before proceeding to do what Techno said, and unlocked the door.

"YES THANK YOU KIOSHI" Clay yelled running through the door

"Kioshi!! Smart little muffin!" Bad complimented and Kioshi giggled, turning to Techno and shooting him a wink that made his face heat up.

Techno moved to take his place by Kioshi, grabbing her hand and holding it in his. He hoped no one would notice, not that they'd think anything of it since Kioshi and Techno hold hands a lot anyways.

Clay finally got the door open, revealing several different passages in a maze type thing, him suggesting everyone should split up.

Techno made no move to let go of Kioshi, but instead chosing a random path and start walking down it. An alarm sounded off to let everyone know the killer had been let loose, and soon Sapnap's faint scream let them know the killer was near him.

Kioshi giggled at the sound and Techno smiled.

"Wow Sapnap is probably getting murdered right now and you're laughing" Techno teased making Kioshi shove him slightly and he laughed

Soon they came around a fork in the path and Techno turned to the girl.

"Which way should we go?"

"We could split up" she signed, dragging his hand up with hers while signing.

Techno involuntarily frowned at the thought. Reluctantly he let go of her hand. Kioshi quickly gave him a kiss on his cheek before waving and walking down the right path.

Techno stood, stunned for a moment before smiling and walking down the left path. The smile never left his face as he came to the end of the path, turning to his right and seeing Kioshi again. The paths led to the same room.

The two stood silent for a moment before going into a fit of laughter at how silly it was. Once the laughter calmed down Techno met Kioshi's eyes, sudden confidence coming to him.

"If you're gonna keep kissin' me everytime we depart I think we're gonna have to depart more often"

A dark red blush quickly formed on Kioshi's face as she debated signing something but before she could sign anything foots could be heard coming towards them.

Techno grabbed Kioshi's hand and quickly pulled her into the closest room, that happened to be a closet. Techno and Kioshi were silent as they listened to the footsteps walk around the room.

A giggle escaped Kioshi's lips as she quickly covered her mouth, Techno shooting her a look. Kioshi tried hard to stiffle her giggles but she soon sputtered them out and the closet door opened, revealing the killer, "blood" covered mask staring at them.

Techno and Kioshi burst into laughter and the killer escorted them to the "dead" person jail.

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