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Twelve years later...

Jazlyn sat on the river bank. Her shoes were tossed onto the grass next to her while her dress was bunched up to her thighs, allowing her dark legs to enjoy the cool water.

She longed for a dip in the crystal clear stream. The sun was boring down on her, creating a thin layer of sweat to top her forehead.

Her foot flexed in the water, scaring away a minnow who was curious of her toes. She swallowed hard and reached forward, holding her dress with her other hand as she skimmed the water with her fingers.

The water sparkled at her, making her want to badly toss her dress to the side and dive right in. But she couldn't. Too many of the townsfolk traveled through these woods. If she was stumbled upon, that would be another tally added to the jumbled reasons for the villagers to make fun of her.

She cupped her hand and scooped up water, rubbing the cool liquid all over her hot, sticky face. She sighed in contempt and rested her hand against the scar tissue that started on her cheek bone.

The memory flashed in her mind, causing her to gasp and clench her chest. Her breathing became heavily as the phantom sense of the pain throbbed in her skin.

"Jazie Baby!" her father, Arnold Wildheart, called out. "Where are you?"

Jazlyn pulled herself out of the water and stood up, hooking the heels of her shoes to her fingers before she walked home barefoot. The music of nature pleased her ears. The familiar mockingbird of the woods sang her little song as squirrels squeaked over acorns.

The smell of the grass, the leaves, the flowers all filled her nostrils. She took in a deep breath right before she reached the treeline.

Her father had gotten older in the last twelve years. The hard work he did for money started to ware him down as he became slower and had less energy when he came home every night.

Arnold smiled when he saw her. He was leaning against the frame of the door when she came walking up.

"Took a walk?" he asked, an amused smile on his lips.

Jazlyn held up her shoes. "Dipping my toes in the river."

He opened his mouth to say something else when her mother's voice boomed from inside the house. "Close that door, Arnold! You're letting bugs in!"

Arnold's eyes widened as he stepped aside, beckoning for Jazlyn to come inside. She obeyed and walked into the small house. She made her way to the kitchen and noticed her mother, Eudora, in front of the fireplace, stirring a large pot of soup.

Eudora glanced up and gave Jazlyn a warm smile as she walked in. "Hey, baby. Would you set the table for me? Dinner is almost done."

"Of course, Mama," Jazlyn said, walking over to the cabinets, grabbing three bowls and three spoons.

She set them in the designated setting on the table before grabbing a thick cloth to set on the top of the table to keep the hot pot from ruining its polished wood.

A moment later, her mother brought the pot to the table and set it on top of the thick cloth. "Wash your hands and then come and eat."

Arnold walked in, kissing Eudora on the cheek before heading towards the water spigot. Jazlyn met him there and started to pump the water from the lever into the basin. He used the bar of soap her mother handmade and started to scrub his palms before handing the bar to Jazlyn.

She took it and he went around her to pump the lever. Her hands were silky smooth by the time she was done and ready to eat.

"I need some vegetables from the shops, dear," Eudora said, dipping a carved ladle into the steaming pot and spooning some soup into her husband's bowl.

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