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Darrell stood in his study, books spilled over his desk. How was it possible for Jazlyn to heal such a wound?

He left her room earlier, practically running to the library so that he could pull as many books of healing as he could carry. Her ability was different than what the other healers had done. When they heal, it takes a few minutes, maybe half an hour. But Jazlyn healed herself within thirty seconds. Not only that, she had some type of white energy coming from her fingertips.

Darrell had to find out exactly what it was she could do. And fast. The Black Isibisk was killing too many of his people and needed to be stopped.

He remembered his last encounter with them years ago. The dark energy with unforgiving dark power had grown stronger when it came to the Black Isibisk's energy. And even though the Alpha King tried to stop it once and for all, he was left with a dark mark that has been spreading over his back for the last few years. And even though his increased stamina and immune system have been working themselves to heal it, they can't.

Not even the best healer in all the lands knows what to do. And that made Darrell anxious.

But as soon as he had seen Jazlyn, he felt the aura around her. The big, beautiful energy. And it wasn't until he watched her heal herself so quickly, that he realized that was the reason for her aura.

A soft knock sounded on his door. "Come in."

The door opened to reveal Finn and his Gamma, Lewis. They strolled in, Lewis kicking the door shut behind them.

"How's the lady?" Finn asked, taking a seat in a plush armchair.

Darrell sat himself down in his desk chair, rubbing a hand down his face. "She's doing good, so far. She loved her room. But she did something that intrigued me."

"What do you mean?" Lewis asked. The Gamma had been filled in on the events of the last two days. And especially with his keen memory, he remembered every word and detail.

"She had a nasty bruise on her side. One that was making her woozy or ill. I took her to her room and when we got there, she practically ripped off the top half of her dress and the bruise was as big as a dinner plate, like she had ruptured something," Darrell explained, scratching his scruffy chin. "She placed her hand on it and a white light appeared from her fingertips, sinking into her skin. Within thirty seconds, the bruise was gone."

"Any healer can do that," Finn pointed out.

Darrell lifted a dark brow. "But do they heal injuries in such a short time span? Or do they produce a bright, white energy from their own bare hands?"

"The King does have a point, Finn," Lewis said. "I've been to the healer enough times to know."

Finn snickered as he turned towards the Gamma. "You just keep going back to see Whiteclaw's daughter."

"That doesn't explain the injuries I had gotten," Lewis said with a smile, not denying the fact Finn threw at him. But then he turned back to the King, all seriousness. "So what's the plan for her?"

"Well, so far I have decided for her to become a healer. She knows a little bit, but not much," Darrell said. "I think she might be an Alonyra."

"An Alonyra?" the other men asked simultaneously.

Darrell picked up the open book he was fixated on when they walked in. "Read."

Lewis grabbed the heavy book, situating it in his arms and fixed his dark green eyes on the letters, then read aloud, "An Alonyra is an ancient Lycan healer, long since forgotten. Their ways and teachings were done away with when the Black Isibisk had destroyed the last of them, deterring any way for the creatures of the lands to heal themselves from their horrid inflictions."

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