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Jazlyn couldn't even begin to comprehend what she was hearing from the future Luna Queen. She was still sitting on the settee the King had set her on when they arrived. Her heart thundered in her chest as her mind was thinking a hundred thoughts per second.

Olena sat in front of her, holding her hands as she looked at Jazlyn with her big green eyes, waiting for an answer.

The future Queen was a very gorgeous woman. She had long, straight blonde hair, a cute nose, and high cheekbones along with her tight, natural complexity.

Jazlyn's voice caught in her throat as her eyes slid over to the King, who made her heart thunder in her chest. He just stared at her, not breaking eye contact as he said nothing.

The King had changed since she last seen him twelve years ago. His dark hair grew darker and neatly trimmed facial hair covered the bottom of his face. He filled out, becoming tall, broad, and intimidating.

Jazlyn swallowed the lump in her throat and turned back towards Olena. "What about my parents?"

Olena didn't even think or glance at the King as she replied with, "They will all be taken care of."

Jazlyn chewed on her bottom lip. This was a drastic change in her life. To start off as a little black commoner girl who was treated harshly due to the color of her skin her whole life and then switch to the future Luna Queen's Lady in Waiting.

She felt a little nauseous just thinking about it. But it would be good for her. It might be the change and the hope that she'd always dreamed of since she was little. The hope she would pray to the Moon Goddess for when she asked that the royals loved all of their people no matter their skin color. And the Moon Goddess gifted her what she's asked for twenty years.

With that on her mind Jazlyn took a deep breath and looked back at Olena. "Can I sleep on it?"

"Of course. We don't leave until tomorrow night. If you have your answer, come find us. I will be in the camp all day," Olena said, releasing Jazlyn's hands. "I do hope you accept. It would be nice having a good friend to accompany me in the castle."

"I'll escort you home, then," the King said, taking a step back so that Jazlyn could step by him.

"Can't you send Finn to escort her home, dear?" Olena asked, walking over to him so she could slide her hands along his chest and shoulders. "It's quite late and I would like to fall asleep next to my future husband."

Jazlyn abruptly stopped, waiting for an order.

"I will escort her home, Olena. I want to make sure she's completely safe," the King said. He didn't let Olena respond as he pressed his hand to the small of Jazlyn's back and led her outside. He noticed her shiver and grunted, "Finn. Find my cloak and give it to the Lady. She's cold."

A handsome man walked over towards Jazlyn and handed her a long, black cloak. The King gently took it from her hands and wrapped it around her shoulders. Without a word, she hugged it tightly to her body. The man nodded at the King before walking back to where he came from.

Jazlyn felt the cool breeze against her face as she walked towards the direction of her parents' house. From where the King set up his camp, it was a forty-five minute walk. A fifteen minute run if she shifted into her beast.

"Sire, it is a timely walk. We could shift and be there much quicker," Jazlyn said, gripping the cloak tighter onto her body.

"That's alright. I enjoy a walk on occasion. Plus, I don't want to show back up to my camp completely naked, now do I?" the King said with an amused smirk as he watched Jazlyn flush and avert her gaze.

The Alpha King's Obsession (Adult)Where stories live. Discover now