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Darrell woke up to Olena standing over him, a frown on her face as she pointed over to Jazlyn, who was soundly asleep on the settee.

"Care to explain?" Olena asked, her brows lifting in accusation.

Darrell frowned and glared. "Why do you seem so upset. You asked her to be your Lady in Waiting last night."

Olena sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she replied with, "The last thing I remembered was you were escorting her to her house. And then I went to bed. And now I wake up and she's slept here? In our tent, might I add."

"It was the middle of the night, Olena. I wasn't going to have my men set up a whole other ten when we were leaving out within a few hours," Darrell snapped, causing Olena's face to falter. She had no right to be mad at him. Especially if she didn't know the half of what happened.

"You could've at least told me about it," she said, crossing her arms. "We're about to be married."

Darrell stood up and started to pull on his clothes. "The only reason I'm marrying you is because I'm thirty and I haven't even found a mate yet."

Olena growled. She knew that, but hearing it out loud made her mad. "What about me? What if I find my mate living as Queen?"

The King glanced at her. "You're the one who said yes, Olena. You had a choice. But just because the crown was involved, you had to say yes. Didn't you?"

Being called out like that added fuel to Olena's burning rage. She threw her hands into the air and marched outside with a growl, not caring that she had on her nightgown from The night before.

Once a pair of Lycans hit the age of twenty-one, they feel the undeniable attraction to be with each other. It gives the Moon Goddess time to choose which two belong together for the rest of eternity. But it's been nine years since Darrell had turned twenty-one and he had never felt anything towards a woman other than lust. Nothing along the lines of pure love.

So Darrell had long since given up the hope of finding someone to be his true Luna Queen. So when he asked the high ranking Alpha to marry his daughter, he didn't care that his daughter would have another true mate. Just as long as his daughter was the Queen.

As the King buttoned up his shirt, he walked over towards Jazlyn. She looked stunning, even deep in slumber. Her long lashes rested against the top of her cheeks and her lips were parted, being the reason her chest rose and fell.

Her dark, soft cheeks were shining in the sunlight that shone into the tent through through the entrance. Looking at her lips, he remembered how soft they were when he brushed his thumb over those plush lips.

His hand twitched as he knelt down next to her and wrapped one of her curls around his index finger. "Jazlyn, darling. Wake up."

Jazlyn groaned and rolled over, sighing in her sleep as she gently swatted his hand away. The King allowed a smile to grow on his face as he touched her face, rolling her head back to look at him.

"Jazlyn, sweetheart. Time to wake up," he cooed again, brushing his thumb over those lips.

Her eyes lids fluttered open. Her pupils dilated as they adjusted to the lighting of the tent. Once she realized the King was in front of her, she abruptly sat up. Darrell immediately dropped his hand.

Jazlyn clutched her chest, breathing heavily. "Oh, my God. Everything really happened. My parents..." Her voice broke down, not allowing her to finish the sentence.

"Shh," Darrell hushed and stood, offering his hand. "I'll make everything better. Stay here and I'll have Olena come in and get you dressed."

She nodded and yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Yes, Your Highness."

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