The Lawyer pt.2

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For the next couple of weeks before Jeongguk's trial, Taehyung tried his hardest to establish hard evidence in order to defend Jeongguk in front of the jury. He may have lost sleep and had forgotten to eat a few meals during this quest but he figured he can sleep and eat when he's done and Jeongguk is sleeping in his bed and not a prison cell.

While trying to defend Jeongguk, they've gotten close. Jeongguk still playfully flirts with him and Taehyung will playfully reject him, it had become a routine every time they'd meet up to go over the evidence Taehyung had found.

That's exactly what was happening now except this time, it was the final time they'd get to do this before Jeongguk's trial.

Taehyung opened the door to the investigation room and smiled softly when he saw Jeongguk sitting there with his head on the table silently singing to himself with his eyes closed. He learned that Jeongguk had trouble sleeping since the accident, so he suggested a few things that helped him go to sleep when too much stuff was running through his mind. It seemed to have worked, but some days Jeongguk shows up exhausted and Taehyung only wishes he could help more.

At the sound of the door opening, Jeongguk picked his head up and smiled at his lawyer, sitting up straight and folding his hands on the table in front of him.

"Hey beautiful, whatcha wanna talk about today?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, the smile still evident on his face. He sat down and placed his briefcase on the table before opening it and pulling out a semi thick packet.

"I have homework for you Mr. Jeon. I need you to study this packet, it's gonna help you figure out what to say in front of the judge on the day of your trial."

Jeongguk smiled brightly and held his hands out for Taehyung to give him the packet. He mentioned that he was nervous about going in front of the judge and the jury, worried that he might mess up and say something he shouldn't. Taehyung wanted him to be as calm and carefree as possible so he typed up a few things Jeongguk could say in front of the judge that would help his case. If he knew one thing about his client, it was that he had severe social anxiety.

"God hyung, you're saving my life in two ways, dunno what I would do without you."

The words made Taehyung feel warm. Extremely warm. He's been feeling like this for a few days, every time he left Jeongguk he was feeling warm and happy. He was always excited to go back and talk to him again and on the days he couldn't, he was moody and usually ended up having a bad day. He didn't realize what it was, why he felt so warm, until Jeongguk smiled at him so brightly. He realized then, he had fallen for his client, and it terrified him. This was a man he was supposed to defend in court against a jury, prove his innocence and make sure he wasn't sentenced to jail. How could he fall for him? Develop such a bias for him, be so unprofessional.

He didn't realize how deep in thought he was until Jeongguk reached across the table and grabbed his hand, softly squeezing. When Taehyung looked up, he melted at the sight of the same smile he loved gazing at every day. He wanted to be at the receiving end of that smile for the rest of his days.

"Are you okay Tae? You're spacing out."

"No no I'm okay, just thinking about the trial. Are you ready? It's almost time."

Jeongguk nodded and sighed, still holding Taehyung's hand tightly. He was nervous, he couldn't lie, but thinking of how well a lawyer Taehyung is usually eased his worries. Jimin didn't convince Taehyung to take this case for no reason, he knew the lawyer would be able to correctly defend Jeongguk and prove he is innocent, that he would never do the thing he was accused of. It settled the fear in Jeongguk's heart, but only while the lawyer was with him. When he was alone in his cell, his mind would start talking and it never ended well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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