The Lawyer.

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Going to law school, becoming a lawyer, it was never something Taehyung planned for. He wanted to be an artist or maybe even a singer, but his parents claimed they couldn't support such a career that wouldn't go anywhere. He's defended people he knew were not guilty, and he defended people he knew were but it never made his job any easier. Whether he lost a case of a good person or won the case for a bad person, he was always left feeling guilty, feeling like he could have done more for the person being accused or the family that was affected by the person that was allowed to walk free.

So as he sat in his office, looking over case files to take up and defend, he wondered what he was doing. He stares at a computer screen until something catches his eye but there's no other excitement, not even the trials are fun anymore.

He heard a knock on his door. He looked at the time and sighed before rubbing his eyes and telling the person to come in. Park Jimin opened the door with a smile, holding up two bags of food that he had ordered for lunch. This was their usual routine, eating lunch together and complaining about their life choices that landed them in this position.

Jimin wanted to have a different occupation as well, he wanted to be a teacher ever since he was a child. He was never able to accomplish his childhood dream though since his family was apart of a business and wanted him to be successful.

"I got your favorite Tae, and something that will turn your frown upside down."

In his other hand, the man held up a file filled to the brim with papers. Taehyung assumed it was a criminal record but nonetheless he was still shocked, who could get into this much trouble and still have to go to court?

Jimin sat down and placed the file on before Taehyung before unloading the food from the bags. As Taehyung waited for his, he took the file and opened it, reading the name.

"Jeon Jeongguk...he's quite a trouble maker huh?" Taehyung chuckled as he flipped through the papers in the file. He saw less minor crimes: spray painting, running from the cops, even the assault of an officer, but as he got to the back his eyes widened and he dropped the other papers to pick up a packet.

"Accused of murder?"

"Yeah, his roommate was found dead in their apartment and he was no where to be seen. He claims he's not guilty though." Jimin said before taking a bite out of his sandwich and pointing to a certain detail on the front page of the packet.

"He was shot two times in the chest but Jeongguk doesn't have a gun. They figured since he has such a criminal record and violent tendencies towards others, he has to be guilty."

Taehyung scoffed before throwing the packet down on his desk, almost knocking his drink over if Jimin didn't catch it in time.

"That's bullshit. There's no evidence to prove he actually did it." Jimin nodded, taking another bite of his sandwich before covering his mouth and speaking.

"Yeah, that's what we all think. Considering you're the best lawyer here, we thought you'd take the case. You'd be sure to win it for him."

As Taehyung looked at Jimin, he noticed the sad look in his eye.

"Spill, what's wrong?"

Jimin sighed, placing down his sandwich before fishing for his phone in his pocket. When he got it out, he unlocked it and scrolled a few times before turning it around to face Taehyung. On the screen was a picture of two boys, one was obviously Jimin but the other reminded him of the man he just read about in the file.

"I grew up with the kid...I know he wouldn't do this. I'd take the case myself but they said it could be biased or some shit. I just...I need you to prove he is innocent Tae, Jeongguk doesn't deserve this. He's a good kid..."

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