Little do you know.

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Little do you know how I'm breaking while you fall asleep. Little do you know, I'm still haunted by the memories.

Taehyung tossed and turned in his bed, tears streaming down his face as his hands gripped his arms. Memories flew through his head like annoying wasps, reminding him of one person that he just wished he could forget. Taehyung sat up, screaming and sobbing as his hands gripped his arms hard enough to now leave bruises.

It was normal, now. Jimin should be used to this but it still scared him every single time.

Jimin shot out of bed at the sound and ran to Taehyung's room, immediately wrapping his arms around the boy and running his fingers through his hair. Jimin felt tears gather in his eyes but he didn't let them fall, he just kept whispering that it'd be okay in Taehyung's ear as the younger sobbed and shook. He said it'd be okay, but he wasn't so sure of that anymore.

Little do you know I'm tryin' pick myself up piece by piece.

Jimin leaned against Yoongi and watched as Taehyung painted a tree that stood outside their apartment window. The younger was slowly getting better but at night it'd only get worse.

The blue haired man slowly moved the paintbrush across the canvas, his eyebrows creased and tongue slightly sticking out as a sign that he was concentrated. Taehyung has lost his muse for painting but he was slowly starting to find another.

Little do you know I need a little more time. Underneath it all, I'm held captive by the hole inside.

Taehyung looked emotionless as he looked at Jeongguk with a girl. The two seemed so happy together, feeding each other and Jeongguk calling her pet names. It felt like a black hole was roaming around in his body, destroying him from the inside but making sure to let his heart suffer. Jimin grabbed Taehyung's arm and tugged softly "c'mon babe...don't pay attention to them."

Jimin glared at the youngest and his girl as he dragged Taehyung along. The smaller wondered what ever went wrong with that boy, what caused him to cheat.

I've been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind.

The first time Taehyung had talked to Jeongguk after what happened was when the man showed up at his shared apartment, begging Jimin to let him talk to Taehyung. The smallest obviously said no, but Yoongi pulled him back and nodded at Jeongguk "you hurt him, I hurt you."

Taehyung had been laying on his bed, messing with a bunny plushy that Jeongguk had gave him. Tears fell down his face and little whimpers escaped his mouth but he still stroked the bunny's fake fur and smiled a sad smile. When Jeongguk ran into the room, Taehyung jumped and looked at the younger.

Taehyung saw Jeongguk's eyes soften and when the younger started to walk towards him, Taehyung scrambled away from him "g-get out.."


"Get out Jeongguk!"

Taehyung sobbed and clutched the bunny plushie close to his chest. Jeongguk sighed and slowly walked towards him while Taehyung kept backing away.

"Baby, let me talk to you."

"Y-you lost that c-chance."

Taehyung hated how he stuttered but he couldn't help it, his tears and the lump in his throat wouldn't let him speak properly. When Jeongguk got closer to him, the younger immediately scooped up the older and hugged him tightly. Taehyung fought against him but it was no use, Jeongguk was stronger than him.

Taehyung slowly wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck, dropping the bunny plush and sobbing softly.

Jeongguk pulled away slightly to look at him before kissing him softly, laying him on the bed and crawling over him.

I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight.

The two laid on Taehyung's bed, legs intertwined as Taehyung laid on Jeongguk's bare chest. The two's hands were clasped together, grip tightening every few minutes. Jimin opened the door slightly and saw Taehyung asleep and Jeongguk staring at the ceiling. Jimin leaned against the doorway and sighed "you know just how to break him and heal him, this is the most sleep he's gotten in months."

Jeongguk's eyes widened as he stared at Taehyung.

"He hasn't been sleeping?"

"He couldn't sleep. Kept getting dreams of you balls deep in a girl."

Jimin glared at Jeongguk "you shouldn't be here. You're just making it worse for him."

Jeongguk shook his head and looked at the blue haired male on his chest. Jeongguk ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Jimin "I want to make this right. Please, Jimin."

The oldest sighed.

"It's on him if he wants to forgive you. I'm not going to sway his judgment."

Jimin stood up straight and grabbed the door handle, smiling softly at Jeongguk "fix him, babe. He's been through a lot and seeing you with that girl...God he cried so much that night.." Jimin's eyes teared up at the thought but he quickly wiped them away and walked out of the room, closing the door softly.

Jeongguk held Taehyung tighter and buried his face into his hair "my baby..." tears fell onto Taehyung's hair as Jeongguk's breath picked up.

The blue haired male rubbed his eyes tiredly and snuggled into Jeongguk's chest "don't cry Gukkie..I'm here..."

"I'm so sorry baby..."

Taehyung sighed and sat up on Jeongguk's chest "I was hoping we could have this conversation later but...I love you, so much but what you did...I don't know if I can just forget about that."

"I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is harder..."

I'll wait, I'll wait I'll love you like you've never felt the pain. I'll wait.

So Jeongguk did. He waited until Taehyung was ready. It was absolute hell for Jimin.

Jimin groaned as he heard Taehyung talk about Jeongguk for the umpteenth time.

The older was getting sick and tired of Taehyung's speeches. They were all about how Jeongguk was the sweetest guy and how Taehyung misses him oh so much. Jimin loved his best friend, he loved him to death but Jimin never went around talking about Yoongi like he was the only thing keeping him alive.

Jimin placed his hand over Taehyung's mouth and sighed, offering him a small smile "Tae, baby I know you miss him but you're doing this to yourself...he's tried to reach out to you but you won't answer him." Jimin took his hand off of Tae's mouth and ran it threw his hair.

"He said he'll wait for me."

"Tae, he is. He just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out for ice cream as friends. He'll wait as long as you want Tae, it's like he's a puppy."

Taehyung giggled softly and fidgeted with his hands "you think I'm ready?"

"That's up to you Tae, I can't make every decision for you. I can just give you advice." Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hands and ran his thumbs over them "but I'm always here."

Taehyung hesitantly knocked on the door, his hands immediately going back to his side. There was a little pause before the door opened and Jeongguk stood in the doorway, looking at Taehyung.

"Hey Tae-"

"I'm ready!"

Taehyung face palmed and sighed "what I meant was...I'm ready to start over with you if you s-still want me..." Taehyung hesitantly looked up and Jeongguk chuckled, grabbing his face.

"God I was waiting forever.."

Jeongguk smashed their lips together and moved his hands to Taehyung's waist with a small smile on his lips. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck, gasping when the younger picked him up by his thighs and shut the door with his foot. Jeongguk carefully walked to the room, placing Taehyung onto the bed and crawling on top of him.

"I love you."

"...I love you more, Guk."

I um I got bored

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