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"And both of you, what are you waiting for?" the male raises an eyebrow before shutting the door.

"HAHA,haha nothing NOTHING sorry sir" Jisung smiles and drags Chenle away before they get into trouble. Jaemin has heard about the principal here, Chenle described him as 'another form of Satan' but in Jaemin's eyes it was some regular good looking guy. Well he did expect this 'principal' to be a lot older but I mean theres nothing to lose.

"Sorry about that, if you haven't already heard I am Jeong Jae-hyun, you can call me Jaehyun". Jaehyun reaches out to exchange a handshake to which Jaemin kindly exchanges.

"Ill ask you a few questions, all you have to do is answer them, and if your lucky, we could start you today itself" The black haired male claps his hands together as they both take a seat opposite each other separated by a large table.

"You are a masters degree holder at 20, amazing. You also have tons of experience in debates right?"

"Yes sir, I have done many debates including international ones and won a number of times"

"Then say, why are you coming to a kindergarten. You are beyond league of a kindergarten teacher, Id say a professor at maybe a well to do university with a better pay?" Jaehyun questioned, genuinely curious.

"Well sir-"

"Cut the sir, I believe we are about the same age so just call me Jaehyun, don't fret I won't kill you" Jaehyun chuckled at the politeness of the brown haired man.

"Okay, well uhm Jaehyun. I could have gone to some well to do university with a better pay, but I wouldn't say id prefer it there environmentally, like if I were a professor and if I were to deal with my university self I'd rather die if I'm being frank" Jaemin chuckled at the end of his sentence gaining a smile from the black haired man in front of him.

"And I really like the kids more than teenagers, their so cute! Their kindergarten studies is the base to get them ready for a bigger school, I'd say when I was in kindergarten I had quite the nasty teachers, so I want to be the teacher I wish I had when I was younger to anyone I can" Jaemin huffed with a bright smile.

Jaehyun was impressed, he was astonished with Jaemins honesty, he paused flicking his pen against the table,

"At this rate, you have the job. But I'd like to just see you conducting a class, do you mind?" Jaehyun raises from his chair and claps his hands together with a grin.

Jaemin stands up and grins

"Lead the way!"

Jaehyun and Jaemin are calmly walking around the corridor, as they are walking they hear faint footsteps from behind them, but when they look back, there was no one to be seen.

"Jisung and Chenle this isn't hide and seek or how about if the seeker wins the loser gets fired" Jaehyun sarcastically laughs making Jaemin bite his lips down enabling a laugh to escape.

"Sorry sir" Chenle hops out from the wall they were hiding behind and drags Jisung out who is looking down embarrassed of what he got himself into. The other two continued to walk, Chenle and Jisung ran up to them to match their pace.

"Here we are, Jaemin, I'd like you to do a mock teaching for the 6 year old batch"

"Sir is there a particular reason for this batch?" Jaemin questioned as it was weird how Jaehyun was pretty particular, and from the expression of his friends faces, they seemed like they were being interviewed instead. For short they looked like they wanted to cry.

"Well you see, in this age group, we have one very, well loud student.." Jaehyun sighs before pointing Jaemin to the boy by the glass window showcasing the whole of the class clearly. The boy sat there with his head down completely, the teacher was visibly frustrated trying to get the boy to communicate.

Jaemin looked amused rather then scared which surprised the three around him.

"Sure, I'll give it a shot"

The teacher who was in the class was told to leave by Jaehyun, the three left Jaemin in the classroom and observed him by the window.

The class greeted Jaemin as he entered aside him being a new face, the whole class was lively, except for one person.

Jaemin observed that this boy was wealthy, he noticed the clothes he was wearing as the kindergarten had no uniform were all branded. Maybe the kid only spoke to a few people, someone he was comfortable with, he had a goal to now attempt to be that person.

Jaemin introduced himself, and he cracked a few jokes gaining chuckles from the class, but the boy remained silent looking down to his feet.

He had gotten all the students to introduce themselves, some even said their hobby and favourite colours. Jaemin found all of them extremely cute, he had finally reached the boy.

"Now now, tell me, what's your name? Here's a secret," Jaemin started to whisper "I think ur the cutest by far" the boy began to grin but immediately went expressionless after realising that he was smiling.

"Hey if you answer me I'll give you a.." Jaemin reaches into his pocket, the boy gazed at Jaemins hand as he pulls out a chocolate bar.

"Don't tell the rest, but you'll get a chocolate! It's my favourite" Jaemin grins waving the chocolate.

The boy eyes the chocolate and then eyes Jaemin, he exhales.

"My name is Donghyuck" the kid stutters at the end of his sentence, he seems to have gave in, 1 point for Jaemin. Jaemin hands the chocolate to Donghyuck and pats his head.

"I'm Jaemin, but people I'm close with call me Nana, so you, only you can call me Nana, how does that sound?" Jaemin reaches his hand out to shake the dark brown haired kid. The kid smiled and shook his hand.

"You can call me Haechan, that's what my family calls me" Donghyuck finally seemed to open up, he could feel Jaehyun and his friends shocked expressions piercing through the window which made him chuckle,

"Haechan, give me a tour later, we should have our break together okay?" Jaemin grins from ear to ear with both his thumbs up. Haechan nods his head aggressively making Jaemin scream a yay under his breath. He conducted a small game in the class where they all sang songs to him and even Donghyuck had participated which is first in history. Jaemin even wondered how his charms really work or if he was just really lucky.

"Teacher it is break time now" one of the students exclaimed from their seats and so Jaemin gathered all of them to line up so they can make their way to the canteen, he swings the door open and before he can approach Jaehyun a small tug from his shirt is felt.

"Nana let me bring you to the canteen" the small hazelnut boy grinned tugging impatiently on Jaemins shirt which Jaehyun realised causing him to smile.

"Your hired Jaemin, see you in the canteen" Jaehyun walks off after giving a bright grin dragging along his two friends whom are frozen in disbelief after Jaemin was able to do the 'work of god' from their point of view.

"Let's go haechannie"

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