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there was no response so he assumed he was asleep. He admired the moonlight shining on Jeno's skin. He kneeled his face closer to Jeno's cheek and pecked it, softly, filled with so much love.

He returned back to where he rested, then shifted a bit closer to Jeno and whispered.


It had been a week and a half since Jaemin was at Jeno's house, and two weeks since they've seen each other.

Jaemin has been extremely busy at the kindergarten, preparing all types of special activities for the kids as it was Christmas week and the last few days before they head of for their end of the year break. Jeno on the other hand had been clearing out most of his pre existing work so he could have it cleared before his trip with Jaemin.

Jeno disliked being distracted with work while spending time with someone, so he wanted to avoid all possible possibilities of that happening.

It was one day before the trip to Hong Kong, Jeno had just finished the last of the remaining work he had of the deadline by dawn, he immediately picked his phone up and ringed Jaemin, praying he wasn't busy.

Even though the two haven't seen each other the past two weeks, they always found time to call each other around dawn.

"Heyyy Jeno!" A singsong voice chirped from the phone, Jeno smiled as he heard the other's voice, missing it very much.

"I just finished all my work, so I decided to ring you up to confirm everything about tomorrow"

"Ah right! Okay soo the flight for tomorrow is at 6:30 in the morning. Seoul to Hong Kong airport, duration 3 hours and 45 minutes, so therefore reaching at... 10.15!"

"Mhmmmm, did you just calculate all that or did you use a calculator?" Jeno questioned laughing.

"Who do you think I am, of course I calculated mentally!" Jeno could feel Jaemin's eye roll through the phone.

"Alright alright, I know your so super duper smart okay?" Jeno mockingly groaned gaining a snort from Jaemin,

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at your apartment, be ready before 3 am, we have to be there early so we can catch breakfast and check in relaxed with no worry of queuing." Jeno exclaimed

"That's sooo early Jeno, please I do NOT want to wake up that early" Jaemin whined on the phone causing Jeno to sigh.

"Have you never been to the airport before, unless you want to wait in lines then you can wake up later, Ill leave you and go. And it was YOU whom booked such early tickets."

"Those were the only tickets available!!" Jaemin dragged the 'available'

"Mm,mm okay okay. I'll see you at 3 AM tomorrow, make sure you get rest okay, don't whine in the car I'll make you walk to the airport"

"Your so mean Jeno your becoming so comfortable with me now a days" Jaemin complained playfully.

"Says you" Jeno whispered under his breath.

Jeno could tell Jaemin was shifting around here and there as the speaker of Jaemins phone kept on being covered by something and he got irritated by the constant ear bleed.

"Stop moving around! Are you laying in bed?"

"Why, wanna join me?"

There was a few second silence, Jeno could hear Jaemin snicker at his quiet response, knowing Jaemin had achieved what reaction he wanted.

"You can walk your way to the airport"

"Mm I'm sorry!! Forgive me mr handsome Lee"

"Walk.your.way.there" Jeno put the phone down, then sighed as he slowly formed a grin.

After the day Jaemin had slept at Jeno's place, Jaemin seemed to become more of himself and was more bold with Jeno ( dangerous for Jeno's heart ). On the other hand Jeno became shy as he just could not compose himself after Jaemin had kissed his cheek ( Jaemin still being unaware Jeno was awake). Everytime he thought of Jeamin he'd get all types of thoughts, he thought he was going insane at some point.

Tomorrow was going to be a tiring day, but under the Christmas spirit and seeing each-other again, they were so damn excited.

It's been awhile since I updated, I'm sorry! Next chapter will be soon! 🫶🫶

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