Before IV

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The next day, Cedric didn't want to get up. He wished that he could contract some bizarre illness that would prevent him from getting out of his bed. Breaking a leg bone sounded like a good option as well, but that was all wishful thinking. Although apprentices practiced with practice wooden swords, tournaments required the use of real swords. Sir Gerald forced Cedric to practice with a real steel sword about three moon cycles ago, once he was certain Cedric would less likely chop off his own fingers.

The arena was a mayhem of chattering voices and excited spectators. The special podium raised on one side for the noble spectators were the last to fill up. The games started the moment the king sat down along with his queen and the younger royal children. For the first time, Cedric caught site of the Crown Prince, Prince Simon Vail Graffian standing regally next to the king. It seems he was not to participate.

There were alot of rumours going around about the crown prince. Most say he was benovelant and one of the best swordmens in the kingdom at such a younge age, but there were rumours of how cruel he could be as well. Cedric looked down before anyone noticed him staring. It was a crime to look at the eye of high royalty. Next to him, Wilhelm shifted nervously as he sat on the breeches of the makeshift tent. They had a very good view of the arena from where they sat and the boys behind them were excited. It was considered a learning opportunity for apprentices to watch real duels, which is why they were to duel last.

Swords clashed, dust rose up and the sun glared mercilessly at the competitors and spectators alike as the adult knights sparred. The matches stopped when one was disarmed of showed signs of delivery of a killing blow. The headmaster would signal the horn bearer to blow the horn, warning the competitors to stop the match and the winner would be announced. It truly took a good set of lungs to announce names and victors amidst the bustling crowd. Meanwhile, Cedric just hoped his parents and brother were not among the spectators.

When the bell struck two in the afternoon, it was the time for the apprentice duals. Cedric and Wilhelm expected that since it has been many bells since the duals started, the spectators might just feel tired and leave. And as expected, the crowd did lessen quite a bit. Apprentices were amateurs when it came to swordmenship, so no one expected much.

The first few rounds were by senior apprentices, and the crowd didn't disappoint to cheer. Wilhelm's match came about on the third bell and the boy was so nervous he shook. His opponent was an apprentice of his same age, and as unconfident and nervous as Wilhelm was.

Fortunately, Wilhelm managed to disarm the poor boy.

"Then we have Cedric Gregory, representing Lord Gerald Oswain and his opponent Victor Beyhem of the House of Beyhem, representing Lord Haggard Bryn."

The crowd went wild as people actually stood up to see who the famed boy was. Everyone already knew that Lord Gerald Oswain had an apprentice from the scholar clan. All they saw was a head of blonde hair and blue eyes that looked as if he was about to murder someone.

And Cedric really did want to murder someone. His clothes felt sticky with sweat, his ears were painful and half deaf from the loud noise and he was being oogled at like a circus animal. Lanira waved from the crowd, mouthing, "Good luck!"

Young Master Victor of the House of Beyhem charged first. Cedric blocked the sword and stepped back.

Slash. Block. Thrust. Sidestep. Stab. Block again and then finally with a bling, Victor Beyhem's sword flew away and landed on swordpoint on the sand.

The arena was left with complete silence before the crowd erupted in cheers.

Mr. Kellen clutched onto Sir Gerald's arm as he shook it, "Look Gerald! He won! Our boy won!"

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