ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1- ɪɴᴛᴏxɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ

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Maybe it was something about her smile, her stupid contagious smile that was unbearable, the way her face would scrunch up when she grinned. Or maybe it was her personality? Her strong funny personality. She was confident, maybe overly confident to be exact, or maybe she was just perfect

If your flagged as the princess why would you care?

Sometimes I did wish I had that outgoing lifestyle. A careless world that she lived in. Sometimes I wished I could feel like that. Not that I'm obsessed with looks, but it is a big part of my personality. She was effortlessly breathtaking


I always think of her more and more. Nancy was beautiful. A sweet girl that he did in fact have a crush on but was way to embarrassed to say it. Her pretty eyes and soft porcelain skin

"STEVE!" Robin shouted as she frantically waved her hand in front of the jocks face, finally catching his attention, as the male was previously daydreaming about a certain girl he knew. "Dude! What are you making goo-goo eyes at, at 8am in the morning?" She questioned a bit curious to see if Steve did suddenly find a certain lady he fancy's as that was they're initial plan.

"Goo- I am not! Robin don't start projecting on me alright, I know that...thing you have for one of our customers!" Steve mentioned a woman who frequently came in. She was tall and wore girly clothing. Steve overheard only some conversation they had. Her name was Vickie and she worked close by so she would frequently rent movies for her little brother. From what Steve knew robin looked shocked when he mentioned her. Her face shifting to a light pink

"Oh yeah? And what happened to your girlfriend Nancy that you keep talking about" robin lifted an eyebrow as she leaned back against the desk, her freshly painted white nails decorated the hands that gripped onto the thin wood

"Nancy is not my girlfriend...I mean yeah she's cute...but trust me she and I broke up...okay plus I'm over her" Steve hummed quietly as he awkwardly lied about how he felt of the girl.

"Uh huh? Well I'm sure you of all people know about that party going on at Jason carvers...that jock guy. I obviously wasn't invited but I overheard some girls talking about it..." robin shifted a bit in her stance as she carefully organised the VHS tapes that were previously used, sorting then in genre so it would be easier to put them back. Steve only listened to her voice and let out a short sigh

"Ha! As if...I was invited, but I don't wanna go...I mean seriously the only person I can really tolerate in this sad town is..well you. Plus I'm sure Nancy is going to be there" Steve ran his fingers though his hair clearly agitated at that statement "last time I went to a party with Nancy she broke up with me...i don't even know if she still likes me ..or ever did"

"Well maybe it's a good opportunity to meet someone new..who knows you might meet a nice girl..or guy...no judgement.." robin hints a bit as he sneakily nudges Steve's shoulder making him jolt at the sudden touch.

"Guy? I'm not gay robin trust me I'm not like that- who told you I liked guys?" He questioned obviously annoyed as he didn't wanna be categorised in with the "freaks" in his school finding it almost offensive, he was okay with the whole gay thing, but he wasn't apart of it.

"Your eyes told me...remember that one time that tall fella came in and you kept checking him out...because I remember it like it was yesterday...mm..and your face was so red-" a hand was planted over the woman's mouth stopping her from speaking as Steve stood in front of get with an uneasy look on his face

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