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"Why do you have to go back to that awful place?" My mother asked me.

"Mom! What do I tell you! That place is my real home, I grew up there!" I yell.

"But it's like a mental asylum! You don't understand! I don't want my daughter going there!" She had tears in her eyes as she spoke.

I stare down at my wrist, at the tattoo embroidered on my skin.
014 it read.

It's been 6 years since I escaped that place. My beloved, 001 helped me escape. I miss him. That's part of the reason I want to go back. And also my powers have gone. I need them back.

"Mom, I'm sorry," I say, hugging her and then leaving the house. "I'll miss you mom, but I have to go,"

"I'll visit!" She called after me.

I really hope she doesn't.

I exited into the pouring rain. This journey was going to be hell, but it was worth it to see my 001.


After hours of tracking through muddy fields and overgrown grasslands I reached the lab. It looked the same, but sort of abandoned.

Does this place still run?

I didn't really know where to enter, so I decided to enter through the pipe I escaped out of. Climbing through here gave me goosebumps. I was probably the only person to crawl through this pipe since 1974.

I reached the inside. It was dark and gave me flashbacks, again, to when 001 gave me the last hug I'd ever receive of him.

"I'll miss you, my girl," He said as I was about to crawl through the pipe.

I might never see this guy again. I was a wreck.

"But I want to stay. With you," I say, tears filling in my eyes.

"You can't, now go!" He demanded.

"Okay," I say quietly. "I'll be back, I love you forever 001,"

I know my way around here. I just needed to find 001 and then also find Papa, so I can get my powers back.

Suddenly, I spot someone in the distance.
And I realise.
Its him.
Its 001....

I immediately have no thought, and run up to him, opening up my arms.

"Is it really you?" I wail as he catches me in his arms.

"014? What the fuck are you doing here?" He said, sounding calm somehow.

"I came to see you," I say. "And also my powers have gone, where is Papa?"

He freezes at the word.
"Papa is dead," He whispers.

I struggle to process the words.

"Don't look so sad, he was a horrible person, I killed him for you," He said. "I killed everyone. Nobody comes here anymore, I'm by myself,"

"Wait, your telling me that your the only person here?" I question.

"Yes, but why on earth did you come back, I never expected you here, why so suddenly do you come to me?" He says, pulling me in closer anyway.

"I missed you 001. I've been thinking off you everyday. I really do miss you," I say innocently.

"I missed you too but you really shouldn't be here," He said. "Look, I'm a monster. We can't be together."

"But why," I say, tears falling out of my eyes. "You can be my monster. I love you,"

He pauses and holds me for a short while.
"014, I understand your happiness of seeing me, but I really don't see how we can stay together,"

"We just stay here! Please!" I protest.

"Follow me," He says taking my hand and leading me up a tight stairwell.

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