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It feels strange to wake up this morning and see that 001 was not lying next to me as he usually would. He wasn't in the room either.

I exited the room, I wanted to try and find him. It was pretty scary being in the lab all by myself.

"Henry?" I call out.

Yes we call each other on first name basis now.

"Henry?" I call out louder than last time.

Suddenly, I hear crashing from the big double doors at the end of the corridor. I march down, pushing the doors aside to find a person in what was the rainbow room. But it wasn't 001.

"Mom?" I question. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Don't speak to me like that! And I said I'd visit didn't I?" She said, walking up to me with her arms outreached.

"Don't touch me." I shout. "I told you to not come, why didn't you listen!"

"I missed you!" My mom called out. "Please Ash! I just wanted you back,"

"Mom, don't make me angry. Get out of here!" I say.

I don't actually know why I'm getting so pissed off now. Yes, it's my mom and I understand she cares about me but I'm living a different life now I don't need her to come and stalk me and check that I'm okay.

I've moved on. I don't need her.

"What's going on baby?" 001 asks me as he hurries into the room putting his arms around me.

I can't speak. My anger is spiralling out of control. If she doesn't leave soon its not going to end well.

"Who are you?" He asks, still holding onto me but moving towards my mom.

"I'm her god damn mother!" She yells. "Get your hands off my daughter!"

"Your daughter is my girlfriend," He says calmly. "We're perfect for each other. She's moved on from you. She's clearly told you to not come for a reason!"

"But she's still my daughter!"

"And what about it," He says sarcastically. "Get out of here, before things get messy!"

"I want to speak to my daughter, one on one," She yells. "Please,"

I get free of my grasp and walk towards my mother.

"Mom please, I don't want to hurt you, just leave!" My eyes start filling with tears.

"But Ash, please hear me out," She pleads, walking closer and resting a hand on my shoulder.

My powers suddenly overfill me and I push her away
"Don't touch me, get out!" I yell.

"Ash- wha..." My mom looks puzzled.

I bring my arm in front of myself and force myself to let my powers do what they please. I clench my right fist by my leg and close my eyes.

"Baby, stop, your going to kill her!" 001 says quickly.

"You don't understand, she's angered me. Once I'm this angry there's no way to stop me!"

My mom looks frightened. She looks terrified of me. I really don't want to do this to my own mother.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, flinging my arm upwards, sending her thumping into the ceiling.

She lands with a loud thump onto the floor, writhing in pain. I don't stop there though.

My arm is still outstretched and pointed in her direction. My eyes are blurry and I can feel something dripping from my nose. My whole body was shaking with anger and hurt. I didn't know what to do.

"Baby," He grabs my hand. "Stop, you don't want to do this,"

I ignore him as tears form in my eyes.

Suddenly an sudden scream gets released from my body.

I hear the screams as my mom's bones snap and fall limp, until eventually she falls to the ground in a heap.

What have I done?

I fall backwards, struggling to process what I just did. My brain is all fuzzy and I'm so light headed.

"NOOOOO!" I wail.

001 comes thundering up to me, catching me as I breakdown in his arms.

"Baby," He whispers. "It's okay. Your powers were too powerful, I'm sorry,"

"I...killed her," I say, struggling to get the words out of my mouth.

"Hey, come here," He puts his arms around my waist and holds me there as I cry into his shoulder. "I'm here with you,"

I glance over at my moms lifeless body. I did this. My powers are too much. I should never have become this powerful.

I take a deep breath and stand up, loosing my balance slightly. Then, I rush out of the room as quick as possible. I can't seem to face the world any longer.

I hear 001 calling my name as I rush further and further away from him

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