Drunken Feelings (Jason_Cult x Joshua_Cult)

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Requested by: S0W3RCANDY

TW's: Alcoholism, religious trauma, internalized homophobia, emotional torment

Type of Request: Fluff

Hope you enjoy!

Night had fallen and Joshua's breath was as liquored up as ever. Just as the previous night, and the night before that one, where all he would do was drink, one after another, only setting the bottle down every so often to rub his eyes. Jason, who was not a fan of this, detested it but knew his many attempts to get the other man to stop his drinking habits were futile due to Joshua's past traumas and the heavy burden he had with carrying them around. Jason sighed, taking note of the drunk man's state for the third time this week before then walking to his room and shutting the door quietly so as to not disturb the other. He took off his shoes, then walking to his window, he stared out at the night sky, stars falling upon it. Then, opening the window, he felt the fresh, cool breeze hit the stubble on his face, his hair blowing softly in the wind. He looked out and looked up at the moon, his pupils growing wider as he stared at the glowing orb, not yet full and yet, still resembling a full circle.

He looked down at the ground, noticing his sleeping gator, Princess in the distance.

"Hey, Princess"

"Who's a good gator? You're a good gator!"

"Oh yes, you are."

He gave a small grin, continuing to stare at her for a little longer before then shutting the window carefully and walking over to his bed, finally lying down on it and shutting his eyes as he fell into a deep slumber. Joshua, on the other hand, was still in the other room, getting completely hammered as the other slept, not even being able to stand anymore as when he tried, all he did was fall back onto the couch with a small thud. He groaned. Trying to get back up, he failed once more before then just accepting he'd be stuck there till either his tiredness or his alcohol knocked him out for the night. And just as he always was when he was drunk, he was emotional rather than the normal stoic front he put on whenever he was around the family, not including Jimi nor Jason. Instead, he was a basket case, usually spilling his guts and sobbing to Jason when he was near about his childhood and about the things his father made him do. And now, with a heavy heart once more, he cradled his temple in his palms and began to break down. 

And even though he tried to stop, he simply couldn't. With each moment, he just sobbed louder until Jason was then standing in the living room doorway, staring at the pitiful man with a frown and groggy eyes. Now, Jason wasn't one to show any sort of affection let alone Joshua, but he felt like this would be a good time to maybe let his metaphorical walls down for a little bit, and hey, on the plus side, Joshua seemed to be out of it as he always is when he ends up like this, not even remembering most things he said or did afterwards once he was sober. With that, Jason wrapped his arms around Joshua from the back of the couch and sighed, embracing the man in his arms before letting go and walking to the front of the couch, sitting down right next to the drunk. Sliding back into the cushions, he looked away from Joshua, turning his gaze to the television that sat in front of the two, which turned to an unrecognizable news channel and the caster's voice playing faintly in the back. Jason just sat there, his thoughts pooling in his head as he continued to stare at the tele and then at Joshua, back and forth until he continued to eye Joshua who was now staring at him, finally being able to process that Jason was now next to him and had seemed to calm down just a little bit. 

"Hey," Jason stated, uncertain and a little aggressive which had made the other perk up and look to him. Snot was all over his hands and his eyes were red and puffy, making him look like a total wreck. Jason felt- pity? Perhaps disgust for Joshua's current state but he knew he couldn't exactly help it, his mind being consumed by cheap liquor that was basically his only form of escapism. Poor guy. And yet, Jason, while not exactly loving the back and forth arguments he and Joshua seemed to constantly have, he told himself that being firm was the only option to help and actually get Joshua to turn his habits around. So, with that, he stood up and grabbed the big brown bottle that held a good half of the liquid in it left only for it to be poured out into the sink by Jason. He tossed the bottle in the trash and walked back to the living room to find a passed-out Joshua on the couch. Jason rolled his eyes and grabbed a blanket that was strewn out on the floor and tossed it onto Joshua, making sure he at least had some sort of warmth for the night. Jason himself started to feel tired and yawned, stretching his arms out. He then got up and looked back at the sleeping man, a tiny smile making its way up his face. He closed his eyes and let out another big yawn before deciding it would probably be best if he went to bed too. So, Jason headed back to his room, feeling exhausted and also a small twinge of guilt creeping up inside of him which he just swallowed and laid down, going to bed.

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