[5] S Class

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"Easy." I was confident that I'd win. It was the same monster that I've encountered twice already during this past week.

"We might have some sort of fate, you monster~." I stare at it while I smirk. "But I'll not spare you, fuck off~" And I launch at it. 

One cut was enough to kill it. I smiled. 

This life seems fucking easy.

"Screech~" I heard a chorus from behind me. "Fuck-" I get startled.

I couldn't dare turn back. I trembled in fear as I slowly moved away from them. 

I sighed and turned around. "1-" I started counting.

"27- Oh my fucking god! You fucking monster species must be very common that these association people sent so many just for me," I shouted.

The monster started acting weird suddenly and came at me at once. I ran to a safe place at a fast pace but not so fast that they won't be able as to follow me.

"Ogi. Fox."

[Switched on.]

[Fox... Processing... Turned on.]

I start whistling. I was the one who was approaching them this time. Cold sweat was running down my forehead and my palms felt sweaty. 

I was nervous.

Anyone would be unless they are a monster themselves. I swiftly moved under one by one of them, finishing them with just one cut with my sword.

[You did well.]

Thanks. Wait! I don't need your compliment.

[Fox... processing... Turned off.]

"What?" I scream my lungs out. 

There was half of them more to go. "Heh- Unbelievable. I don't believe this shit," I speak in a state of devasted. 

"He- he- hehe- fuck it all!" And I blindly cut through them. 

That  bitch of a system. How dare...she?...he?...it?


I was breathing heavily but I was somewhat happy. I got out of the room that I was put in for the test. 

I look around and there was nobody out yet. When I and Aruma went in, 6 other people went in too. 

I sit at the chair and look around for a while. I tap my feet in frustration Tap! Tap! Tap!

Two people came out at once. They even looked alike. I guess they are twins.

Both of them checked me up and down. I stiffened myself. I still don't know how I look since I refused to. 

But I guess it's unavoidable.

They both stared at each other. Huh? What are they doing? I got a little curious and didn't realize I was staring at them for too long. Are they doing...Telepathy?

They both rolled their eyes and sat behind me. Tsk. It was starting to get interesting. I thought they were gonna fight each other over who's better. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

The rest of 4 people came out next. They were all boys and seemed like they knew each other too.

I pouted. I was so impatient to see Aruma.

Finally, Aruma came out wiping the blood he was covered in. My heart skipped a beat. I don't know why but it fucking did.

"Aruma~" I speak unaware of how to approach him. 

"Yuza? Did you come out already? Awesome."

I give him a stare and then look away. Thank god I did cause what I saw was something I shouldn't have.

The two twin sisters had their eyes fixed on Aruma. They were basically drooling over him.

I scoffed and looked back at Aruma. I patted the seat next to me while staring at him. 

He smiled and sat next to me. He still is slow. 

I let out a deep breath and try to calm myself down. I smile back at him. 

He suddenly looks here and there averting his eyes from meeting mine and turning his face the other way.


Am I that Ugly? 

Bitch, then why do you even date me? 

Oh, wait! This Yuza bitch is too lucky to be dating someone as h-handsome as Aruma. Accepting that even in my thoughts is embarrassing.

"The results will be coming out soon," Aruma speaks with a low tone still looking the other way.

"Ah~ I see." I nod as I look at the ground.

(They both were blushing at each other and didn't even know. Lol! And Yuza, you're fucking beautiful.)


The results are out for you all. Finally!!!

I was somewhat excited to see them. The reports were to be announced. 

Some instructor was present there. he stared at me but I ignored him. What's with men in this world?

"K, A class." I laughed under my breath. Who names themselves K? I looked around to see who was K.

The one standing next to me, one of the twin sisters gave me a death stare and stepped forward to receive her reports.

Fuck!!! Scary as fuck.

"M, A class." I was stunned by how both of the sisters got the same class. She stepped forward to take hers and while returning gave a little flick to her hair as she made eye contact with Aruma.

Bitch! He's min- Yuza's.

"Lucas, A class." Another one? They are good.

"Aruma, A+ class." I gave him a little nudge. I mouthed 'Well done,' to him and he smiled happily at me.

My heart skipped another beat.

"Yuza-" The instructor took a pause. I was scared. 

Was I so weak?

"How is it possible," The instructed muttered to himself. Realizing that he kept everyone waiting, he says a sorry and continues. 

"Yuza, S class." Aruma gives me a little nudge and smiles at me.

The twin sisters and Lucas stare at me. The rest two people were also staring at me.

This is where my journey begins!!

[Congratulations. You've made one of Yuza's dream come true.]

Was It okay? Btw, Who's your favorite character so far?

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