[8] Glares

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That just sent shivers down my spine. I kept on glaring at Lucas accidentally. 

That son of a bitch.?That cheeky brat protected me? Not even in my dreams.

I scoff at myself. Why am I even thinking so much about such an impossible thing? 

"Watch out." I turned my attention toward the voice but it was already too late. 

"Oooww~" I cry rubbing my forehead. Aruma walks toward me and patted my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asks in a worrying tone. 

Maybe. Maybe there's a slight chance he might have protected me. 

I reflect on my thoughts immediately. Now I feel guilty for thinking bad of him.

"I'm oka-" I reply but was cut off.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asks rubbing the door that my forehead just hit. 

Jerk. Not in a million years would he protect me.

"It must've hurt, right?" Lucas continues without any other worry in the world.

"..." Aruma speaks nothing since he saw my reaction.

Blood was boiling inside me.

"Ogi," I speak as I intensely glare at Lucas.

You've messed with the wrong person you bastard.

"Oh my god, it must hurt, what a bad lu-" Lucas realizes my intense glare and starts backing.

"Heh," I smirk.

I could see cold sweats running down his forehead.

"I'll fucking kill you~" I charge at Lucas.

The terrified look on his face was quite worth watching. (Wish you could see it.)

He turns around and starts running. "Help me. A crazy woman is behind my life."

"C-crazy woman? I am two years younger than you brat," I shout still following him.

He stops and thinks. He turns back. "I see. I didn't pay attention to your introduction, you know."

He's pissing me off. Are we allowed to kill people?

Soon he takes a left turn in the long corridor. The place was fucking huge but I didn't pay much attention to it. What I wanted was the brat's head.

I glide around the corner.


Even I was amazed at myself. The daily training is paying off. 

"Who the fuck?" I hear a deep and husky voice. 

A tall and fat man was standing in front of Lucas with a bag of chips. 

Lucas backed off.

I raise one eyebrow of mine. Who the fuck are they?

"You lowly shit! How dare you stand in my way?" The fat man shouted at Lucas.

I could tell that Lucas was startled by the man's enormous size but stood straight in front of him. With confidence.

At least he knows how to not lose his cool.

"Get lost!" The man orders.

"And~ Why should I?" Lucas answers back almost immediately showing no sign of fear.

There were five more people standing behind the fat man. 

The man was so overwhelmingly fat that I had to lean towards the wall to be able to see clearly behind him. 

Three boys and two girls.

"Tsk." Someone from the back clicks his tongue.

I wonder who is entering the drama now.

The fat man starts sweating and clears the way. 

"Tsk. Tsk.Tsk. You're messing with the wrong person here," the boy answers with a cold tone.

Lucas scoffs.

"I see~" I accidentally speak. All the attention diverts toward me.

Lucas turns back and realizes I was present there.

"I'll come for your head sooner or after," I speak with a smile to Lucas.

Lucas flinches. "Heh, We'll see about that," he assures me with a smile.

I turn my head around. 

What the fuck? W-why smile? What's so funny about it?

"Which team do you two belong to?" the boy asks in frustration.

"Looks like the baby's sad for not getting any attention~" I tease him.

His face turns red. Like a tomato.

I tried holding my laughter. I could see small tears around Lucas's eyes as he tried to hold his laughter.

He notices me glaring at him and smiles at me wiping his tears and giving me a thumbs up.


I slap myself. The fuck?

"What rank do you both belong to?" the boy asks.

Shoot. I forgot about him again. I can't help it.

"Probably lower than B," someone from their team murmurs.

"Then they should know their place." Someone else murmurs.

"Are we allowed to tell that?" I ask Lucas.

"Do you not know anything?" Lucas asks with a surprised reaction. "Did you like... lose your memory or something?" Lucas talks to himself.

"I did." I simply reply back.

Everyone stares at me but I was too busy to notice that. "I only remember this past week."

"For real?" Lucas aks blinking.

"Yes." Aruma appears behind me.

"Who the fuck are you guys now?" the boy asks.

I forgot him. Again.

"We're a team," Aruma replies politely.

"What are your ranks?" the boy scoffs.

"K, A-class," K answers first. The eyes widen of the other team.

"Well one A is common in every team," the boy assures his teams.

"M, A-class," the other twin goes next. The looks on the other team stay unchanged.

"Lucas, A-class," Lucas speaks rolling his eyes.

"Aruma, A+ class," Aruma speaks politely. The eyes could only widen at our team.

Were we that strong?

"And you?" the boy asks me. "You, the little girl over there."

I scoff. You are a child in front of me.

"Yuza, S class."

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