[7] Memory

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Some memory of Yuza's cross my mind.

"I love you ------"

I heard Yuza's voice. 

I stepped back as soon as I come back to my senses. 

I was about to shout in shock but my head started hurting.

Fuck. Did I kiss him? I kissed that bastard. That son of a bitch. It must've been on purpose. Lucas, I'll fucking kill you. You just wait.

Besides, who the fuck was Yuza confessing to? I don't remember his face but it was not Aruma. I'm sure of it.

Did Arum----

My head started hurting again. 

[Error. Error.]

Ah! I felt dizzy. My feet were dancing and I couldn't keep my body straight. 

I lost all energy as my vision got blurry second by second and fell down.

"Hey. Don't die on me, idiot." Lucas kept his tone low in order to not startle anyone else. 

The dark atmosphere around me became darker and darker.

Fuck! Why do I have to pass out in his hands? They're warm.

All that surrounded me was darkness. Darkness and nothing else.

This is just like the scenes when the main character meets god in manhwas. 


I was shocked. I tried to scream but my voice didn't come out. I started to panic as I held my throat in my hands. I looked around. 

Hey. Somebody. Is there someone?

I started to think. That's right. I and my system can communicate without words. It's useful for once.

Hey, system.




Where am I?


You're not gonna come like this. Geez. What are you, a kid? Hey God.

[What do you need?]

I scoff. Definitely a kid. Where am I?

[In your subconscious.]

A place like this exists? Wow~ But why is it so dark. What did Yuza go through?

[That is something I could only tell you to find out.]

Aren't you a god? Weren't you with Yu-

[Even so.]

You definitely were with Yuza before I came. Besides, do you even know who I am?

[I was the one who brought you here so how wouldn't-]

So you were the one. But why? What was the need? 

[I told you that I can only tell you to find that out by yourself.]

Like hell, I will. Why go through all the trouble when I have the information right here? Besides why even bring the would of a boy into a girl's body?

[Because I needed to.]

Ah! You're persistent like a bug. The world wouldn't come to an end if you tell me, now would it?

[The world wouldn't but you will.]

Why would I?

[You won't be able to handle the truth.]

... Is it something that bad?

[Something so bad that Yuza decided to kill herself.]

I want to... not know.

[You have to. Find out. Yourself.]

Find the memories? Impossible. But if I'm living as her now shouldn't I at least get to know that?

[Yuza. You have to meet her. You have to meet her to find out.]

How am I gonna meet her? And this is something I've wanted to ask for a while but if I'm in Yuza's body then what about her? Where is she? Is she... dead?

[She's not. Don't speak ill and don't jinx it.]

Fine fine. Now how am I supposed to meet her?

[How would I know that?]

So how do you know that I need to meet her?

[Because knowing her, she might also have a lot of questions.]

About... what exactly?

[About you.]

Me? Are you telling me-

[Your souls exchanged.]

Wa- She living as me right now? How dare she? What if she does something wrong. The reputation that I've built up for so many years... will all go to doom.

I want to meet her. How do I?

[Your souls are connected. You have to find a way to meet her.]

What? And what was that memory I---

Things started getting dizzy again. The moment I opened my eyes, I saw that bastard's face. His eyes. His once. And his lips, that touched mine.

Heat rushed through my body. I got up and faced the other way. I could also tell I was blushing.

I got up. The surrounding was still dark. 

A message popped up again in the center of the room.

[Congratulations. You have been qualified as a team.]

Huh? But I only killed one monster. How long was I unconscious?

[1 hour and twenty-seven minutes.]

Could have told me the seconds too.


Then how am I unharmed? I checked my body thoroughly.

[He protected you continuously.]

Who did? 

I glanced at Aruma.

 Aruma... is far away from here and if he knew that I passed out he would've been by my side till I woke up. 

Does that mean-

I diverted my gaze from Aruma to Lucas. He stared at me. We locked eyes.


[He did.]

What the fuck?

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